Wow, I feel like a slacker after I see how long it’s been since I’ve made a blog post. There are so many sitting in the queue half-finished right now that it’s a bit embarrassing. Needless to say a lot is going on, and thanks to a well placed “inspired by the 4-Hour Work Week” article in an airline magazine, I’ve decided to experiment further with outsourcing.
The “study” officially began yesterday, it’s HIGHLY scientific (LOL) and involves a legal-size notepad that has “BS Stuff I Don’t Want To Do” scrawled across the top in my terrible handwriting. Below that is a chart-like area in three parts: A big column for the “task I don’t want to do”, a small column as for whether it is something that can be outsourced (yes, no, maybe, needs research), and a small column after that for “Who/what”.
The third column is mainly for me to write down the names of potential people or services who can maybe do the task, OR in the case of my first “outsourcing” a machine. I had been grinding my daily espresso grounds by hand with an adorable hand-cranked Hario ceramic burr grinder. Some mornings, this was an oddly difficult task (don’t do it while you are trying to have a phone meeting, not even bluetooth will save you) and led me to either extreme tooth-gnashing or running down the road to get someone ELSE to make the espresso for me. After landing late Monday night, and seeing that little grinder sitting on the countertop I decided to stop being a cheapskate and get an electric one. That was a very good decision. Anyway… enough about daily minutae!
I have had the recent honor of meeting Al Kavadlo in person!!!!! His official book signing party was this past Friday night at Nimble Fitness in New York City – and with the MUCH MUCH MUCH skilled advice of THE Amanda Salas (and it’s her birthday today, so wish her well!) conducted a few interviews on video! You’ll have to wait for those, though –
they’re official, and are professionally shot and edited by Spencer O’Hara (also of Convict Conditioning DVD fame, DragonDoorTV etc!) but believe me, as soon as they’re live, I will link them here. Not only was it a fantastic time (and sorry about eating all the mango bits out of the fruit bowls), but a lot of people who are pictured in the book showed up, as well as members of the internationally famous Barstarzz! Towards the end of the party, these guys started pulling off feats of strength in the gym that were simple incredible – and INCREDIBLY inspiring. I had to literally force myself to take a day off from training yesterday – after having some one on one coaching with Al Kavadlo on Friday morning (I am SO fortunate),a tiny bit of “hey us girls can do that too!” Friday night, Al’s Thompson Square Park boot camp class on Saturday morning, a whole lot of walking and fun, random elbow lever practice with Al’s game changing cue, pull up and variations on anything safe, plus a mini workout with my RKC and RKC2 friends at Equinox on Monday.
Here’s a little video about Barstarzz:
Coming up (hopefully before the weekend if possible) will be a little video that RKC Level 2, Marshall Roy and I shot at his gym – Equinox of Lincoln Square. This is probably one of the very nicest most high end gyms I’ve ever had the pleasure of touring/working-out-in/etc. We were just goofing off and skills trading, so a whole lot of fun stuff happened – I recapped some of the tips from Al Kavadlo (keeping those to myself for now, since they’ll be on the videos mentioned in the first few paragraphs of this blog post) to test my own knowledge retention and coaching abilities. Still working on the muscle up, but it’s getting closer and closer and closer.
Speaking of Equinox… this particular location has 1,500 people come through a DAY, there are 4 RKC Level 2 instructors on staff, most at least have FMS certifications too! It was great to be in a place where people not only knew what I am (I get a lot of “huh?” here in Orlando), but had a similar skill set. It was like running into old friends.
Behind the scenes at Equinox with Kimberley Weston and Marshall Roy
So we have some video of various get ups, kettlebell favorite basics, and of course beast kettlebell swings. Equinox uses Dragon Door kettlebells almost exclusively – and while the ones they have are definitely 1st generation, they’re holding up very well (durrr), and making the people of New York City better and stronger on a daily basis.
Because I have some sense of empathy for my fellow airplane passengers, I also checked out the showers at Equinox and promptly got hooked on the Kiehl’s products featured in every little corner in there – so yeah, hotel-shampoo-snagging-aside, I have found two new favorites – the coconutty-licious Kiehl’s Amino Acid Shampoo, and the Formula 133 which very nicely “Un-Alice-Coopers” my hair. A review of Formula 133 is here.
If I gave you a bar of Beyond Organic chocolate over the weekend, and you are now predictably hooked on it, and need more…. GO HERE: to learn more. Speaking of Beyond Organic, my sales team members received the 3rd installment of the brain-storming, getting started quick audio-caffiene that is the GiryaGirl Beyond Organic MP3 series. Join my team and see what all the quickstart to success fuss is about.
Allergy sufferers, here are the top puppies that won’t trigger allergies!|