It’s been an interesting couple of days for sure – I just got back from the absolutely intensely awesome Marketing Mastermind Intensive in San Diego—which you will hear more about within the next few days, weeks etc. You’ll also see more evidence that I’ve attended it as things get more and more awesome on this site and elsewhere. Yesterday I was severely jet lagged and babbling only barely coherantly, but managed to catch a short snippet from an old friend of over 10 years, that someone both of us had known in passing had very recently committed suicide. I knew her from the club, and she seemed to have a lot going on, I never got too close because there was something about the people she was with I never seemed to like. She seemed alright though, and again I don’t know any details or background—
on a very basic level the details and background don’t really matter.
At the Intensive, we had been working on our own stories of how and why we got into the fitness business etc. Our own transformations and struggles. I had been stumbling with the words for days, wondering what to share and what to keep to myself. After hearing the sad news yesterday, I realized that I needed to say just a little something now. If twitter has been any indication, sometimes all it takes to keep someone going (this is especially evident with messages I’ve gotten from people fighting to stay on track with their fitness/weight loss etc) is the right word at the right time. Just a little encouragement. A bright spot, just the feeling that someone knows you’re out there. I know you’re out there and I’m cheering you on.
Here’s something I don’t want to admit. I’ve hit pretty close to rock bottom a couple times over the years, having a business fail, getting stuck (or feeling stuck) in a bad relationship. Feeling helpless to change circumstances—and feeling like there’s no one to trust. I wish no one ever had to feel this way. BUT, even if you feel like there is no hope, there always is— ALWAYS. Some people find great comfort in their religious faith, but that’s not required either. Just know that things can and do get better. Sometimes you have to make them get better, and sometimes you never know what will happen next. A lot of times good and GREAT things happen next. After I had thought about this yesterday, which was especially poignant in light of some things that had come out in the course of the Mastermind Workshop (we all did a good deal of soul searching about our experiences—where we have come from, what we’ve endured and where we’re going.)
It’s hard for me to talk about *gasp* feelings on the internet, and quite honestly, I don’t really like to talk about feelings much in real life—other than the good ones. But it’s important to keep going, to trudge ahead and don’t look back.
Yesterday afternoon, I called up a friend who helped me through some very tough times, and who I’ve helped through some tough times. There’s something we say to each other:
I would have missed all of this.
If there are toxic people in your life, making you feel small or worthless, crushing your dreams—get away from them. RUN as if your life depends on it, because in a way it does. Find someone to talk to—a family member, local friend, and/or counselor. Reach out to someone nearby. TODAY. Right now. Don’t give up. Don’t you EVER EVER give up. We all fall down from time to time, and life will always have its problems, but it’s not forever and there’s always a way. Sometimes it’s hard or nearly impossible to see, but it’s there. I promise you. Hang on, and look up. Sometimes the way is just that you weren’t thinking big enough. But get help and be strong.
And watch the sunset:
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