First of all, I wanted to make sure you had the link for RKC and PCC Team Leader, Angelo Gala’s interview that went live today on Dragon Door. Angelo is a super neat dude. I first met him a few years ago when he was an assistant on my team as I was attending my first RKC-II Workshop. Angelo ended up helping me a whole lot, and I was super inspired by his athleticism and balanced abilities. Plus it seemed like he could nearly tie himself into knots with a balance of extreme strength and flexibility you just don’t usually see with men outside the Cirque Du Soleil. So it was no surprise years later to see Angelo really doing well at the first ever PCC workshop, and soon becoming a Team Leader.
Recently while I was in Boston visiting friends at GiryaScope, and leading a small Intro to Primal Move Workshop, Angelo agreed to meet up. Amber Lee graciously took some pictures of this first ever “PCC Team Leader meet up” in the park:

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