Last night, just for fun I decided to revisit an old favorite workout "Double Trouble III" with some minor modifications - Warm up was Primal Move, and some bridge variations as inspired by Convict Conditioning. Next I did 20 16kg kettlebell snatches* on each side, a short break consisting of refilling the water filter pitcher then trying this really fun backwards roll into … [Read more...] about Double Kettlebell Workout, a Relaxing Recipe, and a Little Podcast
Calisthenics Workout
Courthouse Calisthenics Workout….
So, I was called in for jury duty, which of course caused me a whole lot of tooth-gnashing and concern... would I get stuck on something for days and days (my greatest fear), or would they let me go? The good news - after making me and about 900 other people sit around for most of the day, they ended up not needing me. Considering the proliferation of snack machines and … [Read more...] about Courthouse Calisthenics Workout….
No School Like the Old School – A Relevant At Home Workout from 1904?!?
This morning, Master RKC, Geoff Neupert (Author of the highly effective Kettlebell Burn series of programs) sent out a very interesting little email. Well, apologies the email itself was more intriguing than anything. So intriguing that I looked past the annoyance of actually having to cut and paste the url of the blog post—on any other day his emails have clickable links. … [Read more...] about No School Like the Old School – A Relevant At Home Workout from 1904?!?
Pull Up Bar Challenge, Al Kavaldo Interview, and Nico De Haan’s Living a Primal Lifestyle – this is a big Friday!
This is turning out to be one seriously crazy Friday - but those are often the best kind! Hope you have a fun or productive (or in my case both) weekend planned. BUT in the mean time check all this stuff out! 1. First - it's the Pullup Bar Challenge!!!The challenge contest is over, but you can watch the entry here if you wish :) 2. NEXT! Check out Al Kavadlo's interview … [Read more...] about Pull Up Bar Challenge, Al Kavaldo Interview, and Nico De Haan’s Living a Primal Lifestyle – this is a big Friday!
It’s Almost a Game: A Workout for Kettlebells and Friends
Sometimes on Friday my small group class gets even smaller (some of the guys have a standing soccer commitment, etc.). Occasionally, I take this opportunity to write up a kind of "funtime" workout that is keeps the skill level basic. This allows me to participate on occasion, which I think is important because it helps me monitor the intensity of certain combiniations, rest … [Read more...] about It’s Almost a Game: A Workout for Kettlebells and Friends
Hanging Around – Pull Up Variations and anywhere workouts
Like to think that a video which starts out with fashion head nods to both Bruce Lee and Cliff Harski* bodes well. Let's see if you feel the same way? Here's a little of the fun that happened on the way out and back from a coffee run. This is also similar to what happens when I got to pick up a custom made chocolate order... who said walking errands had to be boring? … [Read more...] about Hanging Around – Pull Up Variations and anywhere workouts
Practice and Variation Kettlebells and Bodyweight Workout
I'm going to do another one of those park workouts tomorrow - so I wanted to make sure what I did today wouldn't interfere with tomorrow's holiday calorie-destroying-strength-building extravaganza. On facebook, a friend of mine posted some kind of crazy 4 minute push up challenge from a UFC fighter and his buddy, and while what he was doing didn't QUITE fit the bill for … [Read more...] about Practice and Variation Kettlebells and Bodyweight Workout
The Hold It! Workout for Kettlebell and Bodyweight – 2 versions
This is a personal workout, fitting with some goals I'm working on - so it may not be your cup of tea, or something that you should do very often. It's a mixing it up sort of thing. A TUESDAY sort of thing... First is the "advanced" version that I did - and be honest if you're not ready, don't do it - it's not worth it. The 2nd version is a beginner's version - if … [Read more...] about The Hold It! Workout for Kettlebell and Bodyweight – 2 versions
A Triplet of Circuits for Kettlebell and Bodyweight
Given that the rain had blown into the "hardest core gym in 32789*" aka my large covered parking spot, we moved class to the unused corner of the courtyard, bringing along an assortment of relatively light kettlebells for guys and gals (I'd suggest multiples of 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg), and taking advantage of the nearby concrete benches. We had a few people join us who have … [Read more...] about A Triplet of Circuits for Kettlebell and Bodyweight
The Leg DESTROYER – A boot camp workout for when you forgot your kettlebell….
YOU FORGOT YOUR KETTLEBELL?!?!? Shame on you... seriously, like big time... or maybe you're on vacation and had to fly there? For whatever reason, get your Gymboss timer out because its time to atone and tone. First off, make sure to warm up well with some light stretching and/or joint mobility. Take a little jog or do some jumping jacks, mountain climbers etc. Get your … [Read more...] about The Leg DESTROYER – A boot camp workout for when you forgot your kettlebell….