I helped out at a friend's boot camp this past week, and was further inspired by her workout (reverse ladder of drills punctuated with a short run to different exercise stations) to create one of my own. Also brought in an idea from one of RKC Dr. Michael Hartle's football conditioning workouts, the basic formula: kettlebell drill, sprint, walk back (active rest). Before … [Read more...] about Simple Kettlebell, Bodyweight, and Sprint Ladder
It’s Almost a Game: A Workout for Kettlebells and Friends
Sometimes on Friday my small group class gets even smaller (some of the guys have a standing soccer commitment, etc.). Occasionally, I take this opportunity to write up a kind of "funtime" workout that is keeps the skill level basic. This allows me to participate on occasion, which I think is important because it helps me monitor the intensity of certain combiniations, rest … [Read more...] about It’s Almost a Game: A Workout for Kettlebells and Friends
Hanging Around – Pull Up Variations and anywhere workouts
Like to think that a video which starts out with fashion head nods to both Bruce Lee and Cliff Harski* bodes well. Let's see if you feel the same way? Here's a little of the fun that happened on the way out and back from a coffee run. This is also similar to what happens when I got to pick up a custom made chocolate order... who said walking errands had to be boring? … [Read more...] about Hanging Around – Pull Up Variations and anywhere workouts
Double Kettlebell Fun Time – Hotel Parking Lot Edition
I got dragged out of town for a family event this weekend and well, had some frustration to work out about it - especially since it meant missing a fun time open house at Crossfit Firebase (complete with Paleo food demos and samples), as well as a very cool car show too (10th Anniversary of Concours). But it is what it is, so I put myself up in a nice hotel and met up with … [Read more...] about Double Kettlebell Fun Time – Hotel Parking Lot Edition
Black Belt Balm
*Ownership of a black belt not required for purchase* Check it out online here: BlackBeltBalm.com Really unique alternative to popular and often highly chemically based sore muscle rubs out there. It's good to have one that you don't have to "worry" about the ingedients being something horrible that might eat your skin off overnight. Black Belt Balm is apparently made … [Read more...] about Black Belt Balm
Easiest Probiotic Mango Lassi Ever Made
2 ingredients, 2 easy, 2 delicious, 2 healthy Easiest Probiotic Mango Lassi Ever Made 2 ingredients, 2 easy, 2 delicious, 2 healthy This is all you need. Skip the glass and spoon by using a half-full bottle of Amasai (maybe you're like me and drank half of it plain anyway?) then just pouring in the mango mixture and giving it a shake. Ingredients16 ounces … [Read more...] about Easiest Probiotic Mango Lassi Ever Made
Faster than Take Out Beef with Broccoli for One
Literally faster than Take Out, plenty of variations for your personal preferences. Faster than Take Out Beef with Broccoli for One Literally faster than Take Out, plenty of variations for your personal preferences. Ingredients1 broccoli stalk (I buy the bunches of broccoli with 3-4 stems. Use one stem per serving and chop into bite size pieces)8 oz sirloin … [Read more...] about Faster than Take Out Beef with Broccoli for One
Raw Beet and Celery Salad
Simple but really good salad with just a few ingredients, but tons of flavor and nutrition Raw Beet and Celery Salad Simple but really good salad with just a few ingredients, but tons of flavor and nutrition 2 beets (medium sized organic beets - any variety)2 celery stalks (please buy organic celery, the conventional variety is coated with pesticides)1 T olive … [Read more...] about Raw Beet and Celery Salad
GiryaGirl Crab Cakes
Crab cakes without the bunk! The magical powers of coconut flour and egg come together to make a great low carb alternative to the usual sort of deep fried hockey pucks that are served everywhere in the world except for Maryland. I didn't think I liked crab cakes until a trip to Baltimore last year where of course I became obsessed. This recipe is a modified version of the … [Read more...] about GiryaGirl Crab Cakes
Turbo Tuna Salad
Tuna salad with some high octane ingredients - this is modernized gourmet performance-enhancing food. Packed with protein, antioxidants, probiotics, healthy fats, and brain food. Besides, it's all colorful and pretty and stuff. Turbo Tuna Salad Tuna salad with some high octane ingredients - this is modernized gourmet performance-enhancing food. Packed with … [Read more...] about Turbo Tuna Salad