Those of you following along on Instagram had a few sneak previews of some of the big fun this past weekend in Western MA and Boston - the adventure began with helping Amber of GiryaScope (Boston) lead a 4 hour intro/fine tuning kettlebell workshop at CrossFit Swarm in Westfield. The workshop sold out - and despite the freezing weather, showed up ready to learn and work. I … [Read more...] about Boston Weekend (Part 1) and Dragon Door 18kg and 22kg Kettlebell Unboxing Video
Saturday in the Park Workout
Normally, the kettlebell small group doesn't meet on Saturday, but a client had rescheduled for that afternoon, and since the weather outside was so nice, I sent out a quick message to see if anyone wanted to have a group workout the previous hour. Figured I'd go out there anyway - and do my own thing if not. Amusingly, several messages came in immediately and so - a group … [Read more...] about Saturday in the Park Workout
Kiehl’s Formula 133 Hair Conditioner and Grooming Aid
After a recent visit to a NYC Equinox gym to visit some fellow RKC and RKC Level 2 Instructors (and to generally check out the digs), I found this incredible conditioner in the locker room. AH GEEZ it's IN EVERY SHOWER! I fell in love with it, and what it did with my chemically and otherwise damaged (I make the joke that I have Alice Cooper hair), abused, and "oh that's why … [Read more...] about Kiehl’s Formula 133 Hair Conditioner and Grooming Aid
Ask GiryaGirl: The Century Workout and How Do You Keep From Swinging When Performing Hanging Knee or Leg Raises??
Starting to get seriously psyched about the first ever Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop planned for this coming June. Every time I even look at that page it's exciting to see my name up there as an instructor with Al and Danny Kavadlo. Amusingly enough, I'm almost just as excited to get my paws on the 600 page manual Paul Wade has written especially for the … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: The Century Workout and How Do You Keep From Swinging When Performing Hanging Knee or Leg Raises??
Ask GiryaGirl: Confusion with HKC, RKC, SFG, Photoshoots, Grab n Go Foods
This has been the week for very meaningful conversations. In addition to many messages, emails, and phone calls with friends and fellow instructors/trainers and aspiring instructors, I've conducted over 5 very intensive interviews this past week (and this week isn't nearly over yet). I can't wait for them to be ready to share. Some of the personal stories are inspiring to say … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Confusion with HKC, RKC, SFG, Photoshoots, Grab n Go Foods
Ohio Adventures: Primal Move, Restaurants, Bulletproof Coffee, Tire Flipping, Fun
It was an odd realization to be this far along in one's own adult life and realize that Ohio was a place I had never been. With some reservation, I had originally scheduled this particular Primal Move certification workshop for Dec 1st at Dave Clancy's rockin' facility Blue Chip Athletics / Buckeye Kettlebells. But the thought of being somewhere North of the Mason-Dixon line … [Read more...] about Ohio Adventures: Primal Move, Restaurants, Bulletproof Coffee, Tire Flipping, Fun
Something Simple, Something Brutal – a Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout
Really interesting day - mostly fun even - one of the highlights before class was visiting the really cool no-nonesense studio Leanne Ellington has in Maitland - I may have gotten her hooked on the RKC/HKC style kettlebell swing - we had a blast discussing Primal Move, FMS, and quite honestly geeked out just a heck of a whole lot. I felt like having a simple class (even … [Read more...] about Something Simple, Something Brutal – a Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout
Catching Up a Little – Interviews, Reviews, Congratulations,and Some Fun!
First off - hope you're taking some time to honor our veterans today on Veteran's Day - a big shout out and thank you to all veterans! It was a busy time last week - but I wanted to kind of recap some of it here, if you missed a few items from Facebook etc. HUGE congratulations to my good friend and fellow Floridian, Laurel Blackburn - she was promoted to RKC Team Leader … [Read more...] about Catching Up a Little – Interviews, Reviews, Congratulations,and Some Fun!
RKC-related interviews by Adrienne Harvey of published Elsewhere
I've had some fantastic opportunities to meet some amazing people in the fitness community this year - and these interviews capture the essence of these conversations, dialogs, etc. I have literally come away from every interview with game changing information. Hope that you enjoy them too - as they are published around the 'net they'll be cataloged here. Right now most of … [Read more...] about RKC-related interviews by Adrienne Harvey of published Elsewhere
Not One But TWO?? Decided Today Was the Day To Try Muscle Ups Again!
Decided today was the day - they are ugly as sin, but that'll go away with practice. I want to get rid of that slight kip too... :) But in the meantime, I am happy with being able to do two muscle ups from a dead hang today. I was using some awesome hints from Al Kavadlo and his book Raising the Bar - and of course Convict Conditioning (which calls these "sentry pull ups" btw - … [Read more...] about Not One But TWO?? Decided Today Was the Day To Try Muscle Ups Again!