Hawaii Adventure, or how I ended up doing pull ups right next to the Pacific Ocean... Those of you on Instagram already know some of what's in this post, but I wanted to kind of fill in the details here and there. In recent years I've gotten into a travel habit, so much so that if I have to stick around in one place too long I get a little annoyed. Granted the constant … [Read more...] about Hawaii, Motivation, Priorities, American Ninja Warrior… [with videos]
Clutch Flag Mini Tutorial and Video!
Recently, a friend of mine asked about the grip for the clutch flag. Given that this interesting move is one of my favorites to coach, and one of the most difficult to describe in just words (typing or even on the phone!) it seemed like a good idea to make a video. But before we get to that, I wanted to mention a little bit of backstory. Quite a while ago, even before the … [Read more...] about Clutch Flag Mini Tutorial and Video!
Beef Stroganoff, GiryaGirl Style
Beef Stroganoff, GiryaGirl Style Ingredients2 lb beef (top sirloin (Grassfed or Buffalo is best))3 T coconut oil (you can go lighter on this if you wish)1 onion (large white (Peeled and minced))3 T tomato paste1 T mustard (prepared (I recommend Dijon mustard, or German style mustard.))1 cup beef consomme (If using condensed, follow instructions to create 1 cup of … [Read more...] about Beef Stroganoff, GiryaGirl Style
Basic Meatballs
Make these ahead, and flavor them when you reheat them! Quick! Easy! Efficient! Basic Meatballs Make these ahead, and flavor them when you reheat them! Quick! Easy! Efficient! Ingredients1 egg (well beaten. If it is a large egg, use half.)1/3 cup almond meal (Alternately I use crushed walnuts)1/2 tsp sea salt1/2 tsp black pepper (fresh cracked)1 lb grassfed … [Read more...] about Basic Meatballs
Bacon Wrapped German-ish Meatloaf
Ridiculously simple, and really good left over. I sometimes make this late at night, let it cool then store for eating the next day. There was supposed to be a picture to go with this recipe, but I ate it all. Not to worry, it'll be here again soon. Bacon Wrapped German-ish Meatloaf Ridiculously simple, and really good left over. I sometimes make this late at night, … [Read more...] about Bacon Wrapped German-ish Meatloaf
Asian Inspired Skillet Beef and Vegetable Salad
A little unusual, a lot tasty... It pays to get creative with grassfed ground beef! YUM! Asian Inspired Skillet Beef and Vegetable Salad A little unusual, a lot tasty... It pays to get creative with grassfed ground beef! YUM! Ingredients1 T coconut oil4 oz sweet potato (Minced, this is about 1/2 of a small sweet potato)1/2 small onion (small (minced very fine or … [Read more...] about Asian Inspired Skillet Beef and Vegetable Salad
Ask GiryaGirl: Thanksgiving, Anywhere Workouts… and a Few Random Ones…
While Thanksgiving is tomorrow, some of this Q+A may be a little on the "late" side but maybe not! Q: What are you cooking or sharing for Thanksgiving? A: Even though some of the family has said "don't worry we have it all here", I'm always one to bring something. For one I like to share, and for two it means I know that there will be a lower carb option with no hidden … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Thanksgiving, Anywhere Workouts… and a Few Random Ones…
Upstairs, Downstairs… a Workout for Kettlebells, Stairwell, and Bodyweight
This workout certainly isn't for everyone since it uses a "found staircase" I suppose a stepmill could be used for it, but part of the "fun" of the workout is self-regulating how fast you're taking the stairs, and sharing heckles with your training partner related to who has the inside or outside of the staircase.... Here in Florida we don't have many buildings with a ton of … [Read more...] about Upstairs, Downstairs… a Workout for Kettlebells, Stairwell, and Bodyweight
Let’s Heat Up the Gym! (a Kettlebell Workout)
Recently one of the most faithful attendees of our small group requested to work on stamina... Not a problem! Also, for Florida, since it dipped under 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) that meant everyone was running around freezing, or were gleefully wearing any and all of the "cold weather clothes" that they never get to wear. Seriously, you would have thought a bizzard was on … [Read more...] about Let’s Heat Up the Gym! (a Kettlebell Workout)
One Arm Push Ups and Some Unusual Specialty Fruit: Arkansas Black Apples (3 Videos!)
Recently discovered that I can do a few one arm push ups, and amusingly I seem to do them more easily with my non-dominant hand. As I was telling some friends the other day, even though I hadn't been specifically training for one arm push ups, I had been doing a LOT more work with the Neuro-Grips for higher rep push ups (that in itself is another notable accomplishment) and … [Read more...] about One Arm Push Ups and Some Unusual Specialty Fruit: Arkansas Black Apples (3 Videos!)