Another friend on Facebook started a neat "21 Day Challenge" a little while ago. The basic premise being 21 goals in 21 days - and... they don't all have to be large goals, they should be all sizes and all themes - but things which can realistically be accomplished in the 21 days. Needless to say I got in on this immediately, as I had been making some itemized (don't ask...) … [Read more...] about Reflections on a 21 Day Challenge and the Concept of Self Discipline
Some New Years Ideas – Resolution Alternatives
Among "fit pros" this time of year brings a mixed set of emotions. On one hand, most share the excitement of a New Year and opportunity for a fresh start, plus everyone knows that this time of year bring$ lot$ of opportunitie$ for tho$e of u$ in the fitne$$ field. Was that subtle enough? :) The other side of it is the cynics and realists know that the mainstream fitness … [Read more...] about Some New Years Ideas – Resolution Alternatives
What to do if the bath water is too hot?! BLOG of course!
Just checking in for a second, because the bath water really is too hot.... - I've got another early (though not painfully so*) flight tomorrow, but I get to see more of my fantastic friends from the RKC at the first ever Dragon Door Bodyweight Workshop - for those of you who know, this is the other type of training that I love - and the other half of what I do - kettlebells, … [Read more...] about What to do if the bath water is too hot?! BLOG of course!
Ask GiryaGirl: 10,000 Swing Challenge Help! What do you eat for breakfast? Healthy Hot Cocoa?
This morning was a flurry of activity as you slackers finally came back to work from long holiday weekends and all decided to call, email, text, facebook, twitter, etc. Joking about the slackers part, I just wanted to poke fun at you all - since it was hard to get a few tasks going while carrying on about 6 different trains of thought/conversations. But I'm pretty ok at that … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: 10,000 Swing Challenge Help! What do you eat for breakfast? Healthy Hot Cocoa?
Hanging with Josh Hillis… Hanging Pull Up Bar Complexes, and more!
Josh Hillis, fellow RKC, fat loss expert, author of the 21-Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge (of which some of you have done!), the System Six Easy Fat Loss Program, is also a super cool guy! He's very active on twitter and facebook, so look him up - especially if you're using one of his programs - I've been witness to, and participant in many lively and motivating discussions … [Read more...] about Hanging with Josh Hillis… Hanging Pull Up Bar Complexes, and more!
Tracy’s Success Story and Fitness Journey with Kettlebells, Dragon Door, and the 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge!
Adrienne: I met Tracy through and twitter - and after she mentioned she was trying Josh Hillis's 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge, we started to converse more and more on twitter - Q&A, funny stories, recipes, encouragement etc. It's been a great time!! Anyhow, after she completed the challenge, I encouraged Tracy to write up her experience with it and to … [Read more...] about Tracy’s Success Story and Fitness Journey with Kettlebells, Dragon Door, and the 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge!
Oven Roasted Radishes
What a delicious surprise - oven roasting with just simple olive oil, sea salt and black pepper takes radishes from salad garnish and transforms them into a succulent side dish! Oven Roasted Radishes What a delicious surprise - oven roasting with just simple olive oil, sea salt and black pepper takes radishes from salad garnish and transforms them into a succulent … [Read more...] about Oven Roasted Radishes
Intermediate to Advanced Kettlebell Circuit Workout From Favorite Moves!
After a last minute sudden location change (rain poured down from NOWHERE a full 2 minutes before small group), we carried on with the full workout you see here -- I'll also write it out in case the little graphic is too difficult to read for any reason. Also, clicking on the image will make it full size... which is huge. With the inclusion of the 5 minutes, 100 snatches … [Read more...] about Intermediate to Advanced Kettlebell Circuit Workout From Favorite Moves!
The Key to the Kettlebell Swing: The Hip Hinge
No matter how much we talk about the hip hinge, revisiting it is always time well spent. In fact it's a good idea to revisit the hip hinge whenever your kettlebell swing just isn't... feeling right or if you're wondering why a weird little 5'3" 125-130lb almost-middle-aged woman with a questionable hairdo is able to swing a 106lb kettlebell. The kettlebell swing is a simple … [Read more...] about The Key to the Kettlebell Swing: The Hip Hinge
Small Things to Practice for Your First Pull Ups, or for Stronger Pull Ups in General…
A lot has been said on the internet lately about YES, women CAN do pull-ups... and well for most of you who read this site, that's hardly cause for a headline. As someone who's not a huge fan of gender-fying everything and who also realizes that there's all KINDS of people who struggle with pull ups, I'd like to present some ideas that are useful for nearly … [Read more...] about Small Things to Practice for Your First Pull Ups, or for Stronger Pull Ups in General…