1. What’s the difference between an RKC and HKC certification?
The RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) is the gold standard kettlebell certification from Dragon Door – this very difficult but extremely rewarding 3 day workshop requires a lot of preparation, physical and mental tests, not to mention a good deal of strength and endurance. The 6 core RKC exercises (swing, clean, press, front squat, snatch, get up) plus many related drills and corrective drills are covered in detail – a marketing lecture and other extremely useful talks are also given. You also receive the RKC Manual which is kept handy here at GiryaGirl HQ since I reference it at least every other day – it really is that useful.
The HKC (Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification) is the entry level kettlebell certification from Dragon Door which also requires serious preparation, a time commitment of one full day, and plenty of challenging tests – the program minimum exercises (swing, goblet squat, get up) and related drills are covered in detail. HKC also has a manual and a LOT of information.
A list of the upcoming certification workshops can be found here: Dragon Door Upcoming Workshops
2.What’s the deal with your hair?! Sometimes it looks nice and normal and then other times it’s up and you look like you don’t have any hair at all? Is this a wig?
Actually had a fellow RKC candidate ask me (on Sunday) if I had worn a wig to the Saturday night banquet! I thought that was pretty funny! My haircut is somewhat unusual for the US, but is more common overseas among industrial music or gothic subcultures. You may remember seeing it in the US in the 1990s (it can be argued with some degree of truth that I am stuck in the 1990s anyway). Basically the top part of my hair is long, and the rest of it is regularly clippered off by my trusty friend at Floyd’s Barbershop. I can do it myself with 2 mirrors and cordless clippers, but it’s a pain. Here in Florida with the extreme heat it helps to be able to temporarily “get rid of” my hair by putting it up into a ponytail or bun, plus I think it looks cool (stuck in the 1990s).
3. Isn’t bacon HORRIBLE for you?
Not necessarily – choose a high quality, organic uncured bacon (My current fave is Applegate Farms Sunday Bacon) and you have a great source of flavor for a surprisingly low number of calories – click the link to see that 2 strips of my chosen brand only have 60 calories. If you’re following along and making recipes from the Primal Blueprint Cookbook you’ll have plenty of examples of how bacon can enhance a low carbohydrate diet in amazing delicious ways.
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