There’s a new post on the RKC Blog today from two Senior RKC Instructors about how the correctly executed kettlebell swing can help with a very modern problem… poor posture!
This used to be just “nerd problem” but now it applies to EVERYONE… all this seated, sedentary work is havoc on posture. Posture is a giant part of the overall body language that we communicate on a daily basis. People sometimes forget that I’m “petite” because of good posture. Good posture can also help you exude the kind of confidence that prevents problems (my friends in law enforcement call this “officer presence” but it applies to everyone as well). So, if you’d like to be better respected, less prone to injury, and possibly even side-step annoying people causing problems then it’s time to tune up that posture!
As we age, posture becomes less about aesthetics, and more about injury prevention and continued independence. In other words…. we should all be paying attention to our posture. I discovered something by accident at my home office and it’s something you may want to replicate in some way. When I sit at the desk there’s a long hall to my immediate right. At the end of the hall is a tall mirror. If I turn my head to the right I can see exactly how I’m sitting. I simply do NOT slump at the desk now and haven’t for as long as I’ve lived here (6 years). If you need to break the habit, give the mirror trick a try. And everyone should check out Beth and Jay’s article too…
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