After the movie 300 came out there was a lot of buzz in various magazines, blogs etc. about the 300 Workout which the cast of the movie was purported to have used to get in marvelous shape. Rumors formed, theories abounded blah blah blah. At the end of it, a lot of people were inspired to make up their own workout of 300 reps… and today I came up with one myself. Adapted from one I saw online while clicking around… I changed out several of the exercises to make it more kettlebell focused.
Do three rounds as quickly (BUT SAFELY) as possible, resting when needed (keep MOVING during rest-taking… your heart will thank you).
Use your favorite kettlebell. Because I was testing it out, I used my trusty little 12 Kilo kettlebell. It went pretty quick so I think its going to have to be the 16 Kilo kettlebell next time…
OK… do this for 3 rounds:
20 Push Ups
20 Snatches
20 Clean&Presses
20 Swings
20 Front Squats (10/side) or Goblet Squats
For extra credit take 2-3minutes rest when you’re done, then finish up with 10 Get Ups (5/side)
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