It’s funny – every time I hint about a “conspiracy theory,” many of you perk up, some of you text, some email, some even call! If I’m ever feeling lonely, I really know what to do. HA. I don’t have a case of the lonelies today, but I did want to get your attention and tell you some of my theories and why they are so insidious. And also how YOU can be smart and beat… THEM. Get out your special “truth” glasses, grab some bubble gum and prepare to hear THE SECRETS of kicking butt with your fitness goals.
1. THEY want you to think you have to buy a lot of stuff to get fit… you know – a double garage full of gadgets, treadmills, ellipticals and other unsightly, unweildy machines to trash up your formerly stylish house. A closet full of specialized $80-$100 outfits, special shoes, wraps, weight sets, certain brands of vitamins in expensive multi packs, undignified vibrating weights, and ab machines which should never have seen the light of day. The more I learn, the more I see that we really need less and less and less to develop real world strength, flexibility, and overall health. Without focusing on the very basics first – we won’t really get stronger or more fit – we’ll get frustrated and move on to the next thing to buy. Unfortunately I’ve seen this a LOT. Then people feel like they’ve “tried everything” and that “nothing works” and that they just have to accept the state of and the decline of their own bodies as they age. Ladies (and guys) you’ve probably tried a lot of things – but ask yourself, were you really dedicated? Were these really workouts or social hour? Did you really exercise self discipline with your food, and/or take time to learn about nutrition from real foods? Don’t feel bad if you don’t like your answers to these questions – because “THEY” have programmed you to consume/indulge/etc.
Generally speaking, we’ve been conditioned to get into something and then when sufficiently enthusiastic, buy everything related to it. Don’t me wrong, I admire your enthusiasm, but sometimes it’s time to use what you’ve already purchased and wait before progressing to the next thing. Focus. Also ask yourself – in the past were you buying to actually achieve a goal, or to FEEL like you were doing something about your health without having to actually get out there and sweat? I had a roommate who was into buying stuff so that he could FEEL like he was into a given hobby, and so that people were like oh wow you do this and this and this and this?!!? The truth was, all the parts and pieces of the hobby were there, but the projects were seldom completed. All this accomplished was ill spent money, clutter, and ultimately disappointment/unhappiness. Aim for mastery of what you have – if you have ONE 12kg or 16kg kettlebell at your disposal – make sure you can do all the basic RKC 6 exercises well with it – then learn how to make an exercise more difficult by changing where or how you hold the kettlebell. (Example – if the kettlebell feels too light when you’re pressing, try a bottoms up press). Fight the urge to make things more complicated than they need to be. The secret is – getting fit can be extremely simple. Mastering the kettlebell swing and the get up and practicing them regularly will set you way way way ahead of any mainstream overcomplicated program. You have my absolute word on that.
You really don’t need a lot of gadgets. Even if you don’t have a kettlebell – the info in Convict Conditioning and Convict Conditioning 2 can have you in stellar shape just about anywhere. All I personally do are kettlebell and bodyweight exercises. THAT IS IT. (Though I might add barbell deadlift for fun soon.) The program in Dan John’s new Easy Strength is a great example of extreme simplicity and how to accomplish a whole lot with a small selection of exercises over time. The trick is – you have to stick to it. You have to motive yourself – and you have to believe that over time you WILL make a very serious change. I know I have. Saw some old pictures from when I was in high school… I look better now at 35 years old. You can’t get that from an “as seen on tv” gadget.
All of this being said, if you are feeling the need to go on a mega shopping spree, please do it through the handy links all through this website 🙂 I only promote stuff on here that works and that I’ve had personal experience.
The big thing is – practice, focus, hard work, and self discipline can’t be purchased. You CAN spend your money wisely by finding an RKC or HKC instructor in your area and learning how to master the skills necessary. Just a handful of simple tools like a kettlebell or two, and choice knowledge from proven books and workshops from Dragon Door fit the bill for me. And if you’re near Winter Park, FL I can help you in your personal fitness REVOLUTION! 🙂
2. MANY mainstream programs are not actually designed for people who will stick to them. Many of those cute little “ladies’ slim downs” and wimpy “challenges” and such are usually designed for people who will give up in about a week or less. The quality is just not there. The diet plans often skew towards starvation levels of calorie deficit. Sometimes there’s just a whole lot of stock photos and “writing stuff so that people will buy in” not “writing stuff so that people will make a lasting change.” Be diligent. Research any challenges – talk to people who have completed these challenges in real life – read the experience articles I have on and make an informed decision. Likewise – think about how many times people purchase a gym membership only to NEVER show up? The corporate gym business model is BUILT around this! If all the members were to actually show up – the fire marshal would be there so fast your head would spin! Don’t set yourself up for failure by taking on an unrealistic challenge.
3. Here’s the fun part, I don’t believe in a “THEY” especially in the case of women’s issues – we do so much of the oppression ourselves. We perpetuate this by accepting some of the idiotic ideas in mainstream women’s magazines, by spreading really stupid fitness myths about “bulking up,” by clinging to ideas about having to “starve ourselves skinny” while doing loads and loads of mindless cardio. Women really have a knack for subconsciously setting off self-loathing in each other – I’ve seen it, I’ve personally fought against it and REALLY strive to be sure I never do it to anyone. Male OR female. Ladies and gentlemen, the oppression has been OUTSOURCED. Make sure you are not part of the problem. Encourage your friends/family/etc when they make healthy choices, don’t judge, don’t backhand and start high fiving your strong brothers and sisters. And stop saying stupid stuff like “you’re lucky to be skinny.” More like I’m “lucky that I’ve been able to cultivate my personal self discipline and stick to an effective program to achieve these aesthetic results.” “Lucky to be skinny” is a terrible thing to say because it implies: 1. It had nothing to do with my efforts 2. It’s impossible for anyone else to do. 3. Skinny means WEAK. I am not weak, thanks for the insult.
I despise all those pictures on multiple social networks with some person’s body and a supposidly “inspiring” quote. Nearly every one of them has a hidden judgemental backhand statement if you sit back and think about it. Each seeks to surplant YOUR idea of what is ideal for YOUR body. They are insidious, and it’s not going to stop unless we all decide to stop forwarding them. I refuse to forward or repost them, and I challenge YOU to do the same. YOU should be striving to be the best (your name here) you can be.
Apologies if you were coming here for stories of intergalactic reptilian overlord fitness conspiracies – 🙂
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