I got dragged out of town for a family event this weekend and well, had some frustration to work out about it – especially since it meant missing a fun time open house at Crossfit Firebase (complete with Paleo food demos and samples), as well as a very cool car show too (10th Anniversary of Concours). But it is what it is, so I put myself up in a nice hotel and met up with some old friends in the area – of course I brought along some kettlebells as well – the rental car has these little wells in the trunk that were just PERFECT for holding a pair of 12kg kettlebells oddly enough.
Doing my joint mobility warm up in the hotel room (that whole hip thing… yeah… love that part in Super Joints where Pavel says “do these in private, Comrade”!) I went down to the car with my trusty Gymboss timer and knocked out 2 rounds of the following (I don’t usually workout on Sunday, so this is kind of a weird medium intensity kind of thing):
(set your timer for 30 second intervals)
- 30 seconds double kettlebell swings, 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds double kettlebell clean and press, 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds push ups, 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds renegade rows, 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds double kettlebell front squats, 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds double kettlebell snatches*, 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds L-sit (using handles of kettlebells), 30 seconds rest
Repeat at least twice
I then went upstairs and practiced bridges and RKC style planks. Its time to hit the shower and eat all the bacon off of the breakfast buffet downstairs… YAY!!!
**I did these Return of the Kettlebell style – double snatch up, then bring them down like you’ve pressed them up there – don’t just double drop them.
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