Click here to read the PCC blog post that goes with this photo! Those of you who were following along last Weds/Thursday on Instagram and Youtube know that the journey out to the first ever Progressive Calisthenics Certification (PCC) Workshop in the UK was a little bit.... challenging. The weather plus "waitng on equipment" had me scrambling to get canceled flights … [Read more...] about Post First Ever UK PCC Report, a Parallel Bars Video, and Some Silly Things Too!
Calisthenics Workout
Descent Into Strength: A Quick Intermediate Level Bodyweight and Kettlebell Workout
This is a workout I do (there are several variations) when there's not a lot of time, but I want to get a reasonable amount of strength work/practice done along with some conditioning as well. It's cobbled together from the ideas of several sources, and is easily adjustible to whereever you are. I'm so fond of it and its variations that it is scrawled on a small piece of … [Read more...] about Descent Into Strength: A Quick Intermediate Level Bodyweight and Kettlebell Workout
Video A Go Go! Two Exercise Tutorial Videos (bodyweight rows, floor wipers) and Organic Vegetable Unpacking!
VIDEO ROUND-UP!! I would have called this "Videodrome" but there's no Debbie Harry involved, and thankfully no "David Cronenberg style movie events" have taken place. Shame on me! I've had the first video (shot at Thompkins Square Park in NYC) uploaded and (accidentally) hidden on my YouTube account for WEEKS. This piece goes through a little bit of the Bodyweight Rows (aka … [Read more...] about Video A Go Go! Two Exercise Tutorial Videos (bodyweight rows, floor wipers) and Organic Vegetable Unpacking!
A Challenging Workout For A Time Of Less Thinking
There's a lot more to write and a lot more adventures to share, but I wanted to put this little workout here to tide you over. It's an appropriate interlude since it was designed to help out on a day when I figured that at least one member of the kettlebell small group (including myself) would be experiencing or approaching "decision fatigue". It's just that kind of week, so … [Read more...] about A Challenging Workout For A Time Of Less Thinking
The 6PM Shred Kettlebell, Bodyweight and Battling Rope Workout
On a lark I decided to try the 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge from Josh Hillis - I needed some variety and direction with the conditioning portion of my personal workouts - and thought it looked like a whole lot of fun. I'll be varying the program a little to make room for my favorite bodyweight practice items that happen throughout the day, but should be staying true enough … [Read more...] about The 6PM Shred Kettlebell, Bodyweight and Battling Rope Workout
Hanging with Josh Hillis… Hanging Pull Up Bar Complexes, and more!
Josh Hillis, fellow RKC, fat loss expert, author of the 21-Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge (of which some of you have done!), the System Six Easy Fat Loss Program, is also a super cool guy! He's very active on twitter and facebook, so look him up - especially if you're using one of his programs - I've been witness to, and participant in many lively and motivating discussions … [Read more...] about Hanging with Josh Hillis… Hanging Pull Up Bar Complexes, and more!
Small Things to Practice for Your First Pull Ups, or for Stronger Pull Ups in General…
A lot has been said on the internet lately about YES, women CAN do pull-ups... and well for most of you who read this site, that's hardly cause for a headline. As someone who's not a huge fan of gender-fying everything and who also realizes that there's all KINDS of people who struggle with pull ups, I'd like to present some ideas that are useful for nearly … [Read more...] about Small Things to Practice for Your First Pull Ups, or for Stronger Pull Ups in General…
A Challenging But Oddly Stress-Relieving Workout
This fun challenge I wrote up for a friend and I became a neat strength endurance challenge of the "accidental cardio" variety (in places). I've been gearing up for Zach Even-Esh's Underground Strength Coach workshop in Orlando, and essentially using that as an excuse to come up with more "General preparedness" workouts inspired by his book the Encyclopedia of Underground … [Read more...] about A Challenging But Oddly Stress-Relieving Workout
So Much Excitement, So much To Share! (and a Kettlebell Workout)
First off, if you haven't already checked it out, Explosive Calisthenics (sometimes referred to by enthusiasts and superfans as Convict Conditioning Vol 3) is now out in both paperback and eBook form! While the eBook might be convenient in some ways, like the fact that you wouldn't need to wait on or pay for shipping, the paperback is just really a while lot of fun. It's a … [Read more...] about So Much Excitement, So much To Share! (and a Kettlebell Workout)
Barbarian Track Day – Another Silly Sounding But Challenging Workout
The photo at the left here is my silly attempt at a heroic pose with a very serious piece of exercise equipment from Ryan Pitts of He makes some incredible stuff of fantastic craftsmanship, which if you haven't checked it out, please do so. This exercise mace is down right formidable and while I've gotten better with it (with weight added in the globe) it … [Read more...] about Barbarian Track Day – Another Silly Sounding But Challenging Workout