With the threat of nasty weather once again, we opted to have class at the cool East Coast Martial Arts Supply dojo. This was a simple but interesting workout which I've adapted for online listing (removed a new ab drill that I need to make an explanatory video for before listing it here - or need to discover what in the world it might actually be called?!) We started with … [Read more...] about A Small Group Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout, Plus Q+A with Forest Vance on Kettlebell Challenge Workouts 2.0
Day 7 – #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt – (Hidden Gym Edition)
7th assignment! Please read all the rules and instructions if you haven't already on the main page: Scavenger Hunt Instructions and Rules. Today's assignment. Please take an instagram picture of an unusual or creative place where you've gotten in a kettlebell or bodyweight (or both) workout. It doesn't have to be super off the wall, but in our small group class here, we've … [Read more...] about Day 7 – #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt – (Hidden Gym Edition)
Beyond Organic Steaks and Other Goodies Arrived! Plus Some Real World Reasons to Consider Beyond Organic
Here's a collection of videos for you today! First off - if you aren't already convinced enough (or need help convincing others in your life that you aren't nuts) that we need to really be careful about what we eat, and where it comes from, then check out this very interesting TED talk from an unlikely "real food" advocate. I think the only thing she and I have in common are … [Read more...] about Beyond Organic Steaks and Other Goodies Arrived! Plus Some Real World Reasons to Consider Beyond Organic
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?
Feels like we've been a little out of touch with each other lately, but I promise to stay in town for a couple weeks at least. The schedule has been pretty wild this month, not that I'm complaining. Not one bit. NOPE! Anyway, in case you haven't heard, the first ever PCC (Progressive Calisthenics Certification) Instructor Workshop last weekend was not only a ton of fun, but a … [Read more...] about Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder?
Notes on Primal Move Ocala, Organic Food, and a Fairly Evil Workout
Yesterday's Primal Move workshop in Ocala, Florida was a TON of fun. We had a smaller group than some of the other workshops I've led before, but that ended up being just fine given the size of our location. Everyone who attended was very engaged, asked wonderful questions, and worked together as a great group. I'm curious to see what they come up with in their own training, … [Read more...] about Notes on Primal Move Ocala, Organic Food, and a Fairly Evil Workout
Here’s How My Mom Gave Me a Huge Health Advantage
It's no mystery that I like to think, and this means I really like thinking about thinking, and figuring out "why". Day after day after day I see a lot of stuff written and complaining about women's poor self image and how it puts them at a disadvantage for living healthy lives. These negative mental patterns are also a direct threat to self esteem, implementing their own … [Read more...] about Here’s How My Mom Gave Me a Huge Health Advantage
Women’s Clothing, Body Image, Obnoxious Media Issues, Cultural Ideals and other BS
It's sometimes hard for me to talk about this stuff without sounding like a ranting conspiracy theorist, or triggering very emotional discussions - which sometimes are frankly painful to watch as they unfold on the internet. There is/was a photo circulating around Facebook the other day (imagine that!) and the photo itself was very cool - featuring an attractive 'plus sized' … [Read more...] about Women’s Clothing, Body Image, Obnoxious Media Issues, Cultural Ideals and other BS
Create and Become Your Own Ideal
So... a lot this week about photoshopped pictures on the covers of women's mags, and now this whole thing with a tv show that I don't watch calling someone (who looks pretty normal to my warped mind) "too muscular." Of COURSE it's one of those shows totally targeted to women. Now, before I reach for my aluminum foil lined hat and start screeching about conspiracies of women … [Read more...] about Create and Become Your Own Ideal
NYC for Al Kavadlo’s Book Signing Party and Some Beyond Organic Product Reviews
Just got back from a great time in NYC catching up a little at Al Kavadlo's book signing party for Pushing the Limits - a little while ago, Al had invited me to be a part of the book with an intense photoshoot taking place all over Manhattan - click here for some of that story (scroll down to 3rd question). Needless to say, getting to catch up with friends and watch Al sign a … [Read more...] about NYC for Al Kavadlo’s Book Signing Party and Some Beyond Organic Product Reviews
What is Primal Move?!
Q: What were you guys doing in the park that day? At first I thought it was maybe yoga or tai chi or tumbling crossed with field day. Then, you were all laughing too. What's going on?! A: It's a new program called Primal Move - check it out: ....Read MORE! A few members of my kettlebell small group, and a private client or two have tried some of the Primal Move … [Read more...] about What is Primal Move?!