Don't get envious... make your own! Green with Envy Tuna Salad Don't get envious... make your own! 1 Can Tuna (Canned (5oz can, packed in water))1 avocado (perfectly ripe)1 tsp lemon juice (fresh)1 Tbsp mustard (prepared (I used the last of the Maile))sea salt (to taste)2 Tbsp goji berries (dried (chopped - or use a few raisins))2 Tbsp pecans (crushed (or … [Read more...] about Green with Envy Tuna Salad
RKC vs HKC, Adrienne’s Weird Hair, Bacon
1. What's the difference between an RKC and HKC certification? The RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) is the gold standard kettlebell certification from Dragon Door - this very difficult but extremely rewarding 3 day workshop requires a lot of preparation, physical and mental tests, not to mention a good deal of strength and endurance. The 6 core RKC exercises (swing, clean, … [Read more...] about RKC vs HKC, Adrienne’s Weird Hair, Bacon
Hurrah Hurrah It’s Track Day!
The weather was actually *NICE* out today, and it seemed like a good time as any to take a little trek down to the local running track - it's part of a city park, so everyone can use it. Given the good weather, there were all kinds of things going on - kids soccer practice, a running group, all kinds of stuff, and a friend's local bootcamp showed up as we were leaving - so it … [Read more...] about Hurrah Hurrah It’s Track Day!
Green & Black’s Organic Bittersweet Dark Chocolate Bar, Currant and Hazelnut
This bar has such a great balance to it—even though its only 60% cacao (I normally like things VERY VERY dark)—the crunch of the hazelnuts, and tangy currant bits work together incredibly well. Organic and Fair Trade. Definitely getting this again. … [Read more...] about Green & Black’s Organic Bittersweet Dark Chocolate Bar, Currant and Hazelnut
Best Standard French Whip – Light Design 8 Inch
I was looking for an alternative to a blender bottle to mix up some basic protein shakes - I don't use fruit in my shakes, so using a wire wisk is a good option. After being thwarted in efforts to purchase a blender bottle last night at Whole Foods, I decided - why not try and find a small wire whisk that will fit well into the tall glasses I already have. I really don't enjoy … [Read more...] about Best Standard French Whip – Light Design 8 Inch
Hodge Podge of an Update
There's a lot to catch up on, and it's embarrassing to see that nearly a whole week has gone by without an update on here. Let's fix that right now. I woke up Tuesday morning to find the post-holiday blues obliterated by a message from Triton Nutrition telling me that I had won their Extreme Athlete drawing. Getting awesome stuff delivered never gets old... and I'm really … [Read more...] about Hodge Podge of an Update
High Calorie Coconut Chia Pudding
This is a recipe for one of those days... a HEAVY lifting day, a crazy workouts day, a Beast Kettlebell Swings workout day... High Calorie Coconut Chia Pudding This is a recipe for one of those days... a HEAVY lifting day, a crazy workouts day, a Beast Kettlebell Swings workout day... 1 can coconut milk (I like the Organic 365 Brand)2 T tupelo honey (Or less of … [Read more...] about High Calorie Coconut Chia Pudding
Interviewed by Sebastian Müller, RKC from Germany – GREAT questions!
I'm incredibly honored to be interviewed by new RKC Sebastian Müller on his blog. He asks some great questions, some of which I know others have been curious about too - Here's a little bit of it - Sebastian Müller: When did you first discover kettlebells? Adrienne Harvey: I first discovered kettlebells around 2008 when I was looking online for alternatives to working … [Read more...] about Interviewed by Sebastian Müller, RKC from Germany – GREAT questions!
Tough Love for the Kettlebell Clean Part TWO – a Practice Workout
Having just returned from the San Diego RKC, I had plenty of scribbled notes, new cues, and fun combos for my kettlebell small group class... and don't worry, Wednesday people, your time is coming! :) One of the TOUGHEST kettlebell exercises to learn and to teach can be the clean. But, it's incredibly worthwhile to persist with it, even though it can be frustrating. I … [Read more...] about Tough Love for the Kettlebell Clean Part TWO – a Practice Workout
Short Report from RKC San Diego!
Another great RKC workshop has just come to a close in San Diego (surprisingly sunny even when it was overcast all day on Saturday*). So many old and new friends were in attendence, that it was great to catch up and hear how everyone is doing in their training and in their lives. Seriously, it was a veritable who's-who in the RKC and fitness industry... Not to mention all … [Read more...] about Short Report from RKC San Diego!