This was so much fun - I can't begin to tell you how impressive the entries were along with the overall engagement. In case you missed the whole thing, participants had 24hrs to complete each assignment - which would need to be photographed with Instragram, tagged with #GiryaGirlGame, then posted below in the Disqus comments. A total of 52 Instagram photos were created … [Read more...] about The Exciting Conclusion of the First EVER #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt!
Day 8 – #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt – (Organic Food Item Edition)
8th assignment! Please read all the rules and instructions if you haven't already on the main page: Scavenger Hunt Instructions and Rules. Today's assignment. Please take an instagram picture of an organic food item that you regularly enjoy. I'd like to encourage photos of single ingredient items or fresh things. A particularly artful photo of an organic mango for … [Read more...] about Day 8 – #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt – (Organic Food Item Edition)
Day 10 – #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt Final Challenge!
10th assignment! Please read all the rules and instructions if you haven't already on the main page: Scavenger Hunt Instructions and Rules. THIS IS IT! The last one! :) Today's assignment. Please take an Instagram video or picture that sums up your experience with fitness and social media. Remember to properly tag your instragram photo/video as outlined in the … [Read more...] about Day 10 – #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt Final Challenge!
What do Personal Trainers, Strength Coaches, Federal Agents, and Breakdancers Have in Common?
The answer of course is a love of Progressive Calisthenics! This past weekend was the first ever PCC (Progressive Calisthenics Certification) Workshop, and I'm still honestly just reeling in joy with how well it went. We all had high expectations - as instructors, as participants etc. But I can safely say that everyone's expectations were exceeded. I was honored to be … [Read more...] about What do Personal Trainers, Strength Coaches, Federal Agents, and Breakdancers Have in Common?
Woah it’s been a while! Outsourcing, NYC, Al Kavadlo, Equinox, RKC Love and MORE!
Wow, I feel like a slacker after I see how long it's been since I've made a blog post. There are so many sitting in the queue half-finished right now that it's a bit embarrassing. Needless to say a lot is going on, and thanks to a well placed "inspired by the 4-Hour Work Week" article in an airline magazine, I've decided to experiment further with outsourcing. The … [Read more...] about Woah it’s been a while! Outsourcing, NYC, Al Kavadlo, Equinox, RKC Love and MORE!
Happy July 4th Everyone – Some Celebration Workout Choices!
Hope you're having a great July 4th! Got inspired to create an interesting workout with an American flag theme! In text form: 50 Kettlebell Snatches 13 Burpees 50 Bodyweight squats 13 Push ups 50 Alternating 1 arm kettlebell swings 13 hanging knee raises 50 2-hand kettlebell swings 13 V-ups, Tuck-ups, or your favorite ab exercise Also … [Read more...] about Happy July 4th Everyone – Some Celebration Workout Choices!
Day 9 – #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt – (Goal Representation)
9th assignment! Please read all the rules and instructions if you haven't already on the main page: Scavenger Hunt Instructions and Rules. BUT FIRST!!! Check out this awesome video from the first ever PCC Workshop! (how many people do you recognize?!? Join us at an upcoming PCC Workshop!! Today's assignment. Please take an instagram picture of a visual representation of … [Read more...] about Day 9 – #GiryaGirlGame Scavenger Hunt – (Goal Representation)
Some Thoughts on Beverages and an Interesting Workout Combo
There's all sorts of discussion flying around the internet about hydration, dehydration, etc. etc. personally having lived in Florida for a very long time I have always got a beverage of some sort at hand - or a bottle of filtered water. According to Mavea, the company that makes my favorite water filters, I run through as much drinking water as a "normal" family of 4. … [Read more...] about Some Thoughts on Beverages and an Interesting Workout Combo
Pretty in Pink Mashed Cauliflower – Guest Recipe from
A vibrantly colored, comfort food side dish that will brighten up any meal! Adrienne of A friend of mine from waaay back in the early 2000s has gone "low carb" and launched a super fun recipe website/blog called Low Carb Kitty with some very creative recipes. So, I asked her to prepare a recipe for us! While many readers here are already fans of cauliflower … [Read more...] about Pretty in Pink Mashed Cauliflower – Guest Recipe from
Thank you for joining the email newsletter! Have a lot of fun exploring the site, and please let us know when you have any questions! Other things you might want to check out immediately: Over 100 different workouts Tons of recipes Plenty of questions answered - feel free to ask your own! … [Read more...] about THANK YOU!