Here are a bunch of fun kettlebell workouts - most of which are admittedly rather advanced - they can be scaled down if necessary, feel free to ask questions. Any excuse to talk more about exercise is a good one :) 100 Little Things Kettlebell OODA Loop Workout, Neuro-Grip Challenge is in Paperback! 21 Kettlebell Workouts from Master RKC Dan John, … [Read more...] about Collected Kettlebell and Calisthenics Workouts!
A GiryaGirlTV YouTube Trailer, Last Night’s Workout, and What’s on the Horizon!
Have been getting some very fun feedback on this first foray into "iMovie Movie Trailers". Decided to finally start making my YouTube channel a little cooler, starting with it's own little movie trailer below: In other news, I have actually notified some of my most persistent (and physically tough) friends that they can get on my case if I don't get the video light kit … [Read more...] about A GiryaGirlTV YouTube Trailer, Last Night’s Workout, and What’s on the Horizon!
Powers of the Get-Up, One HAND Pull Up Tips Via Video, American Ninja Warrior Application Turned In, and Upcoming Adventures
First off, I want to introduce Sebastian Müller, RKC Team Leader over in Germany. I was able to meet him at the 2013 PCC in Sweden (which was so epic that we are all still talking about it...). Anyway, Sebastian has some absolutely great ideas about training, and this most recent he has contributed to the RKC Blog is certainly no exception! While the kettlebell get-up is … [Read more...] about Powers of the Get-Up, One HAND Pull Up Tips Via Video, American Ninja Warrior Application Turned In, and Upcoming Adventures
Giving the SSST a Try and Some Interesting Ideas
One of the things I most enjoy doing is conducting written interviews for Dragon Door. This has put me in touch with such a variety of inspiring people, and has even made lasting friendships too. Being able to share their stories is an honor that is not taken lightly. The other great thing about the interviews is they often give me ideas about challenges I'd like to try. … [Read more...] about Giving the SSST a Try and Some Interesting Ideas
Ready for the Neuro-Grip Push-Up Challenge?!? These take push ups to a whole new level -- intense mental focus required! As referenced in Jon Bruney's book, Neuro-Mass!! 2 Neuro-Grips per box Solid, Anodized Aeronautics-Grade Aluminum Get your set of Neuro-Grips TODAY! … [Read more...] about Neuro-Grips
John Du Cane’s Qigong Recharge DVD
A Daily Practice to Release, Relax and Rejuvenate DVD Running time: 51 minutes John Du Cane's Qigong Recharge DVD … [Read more...] about John Du Cane’s Qigong Recharge DVD
Master the Kettlebell
by Master RKC, Max Shank. Brand new resource with fully up to date kettlebell training information --everything from the beginner basics all the way to highly advanced techniques. Program design, sample workouts, and all the theory you need to construct your own plan for your own training or for your personal training clients. An absolute MUST HAVE for all current and … [Read more...] about Master the Kettlebell
Breaking Mental (Rep Range) Blocks… A Sandbag, Bodyweight, Kettlebell Workout
(Another small group workout is coming soon, but I wanted to share another "getting the New Year started right" workout with you first! The workout written below is seen in it's "beta" form in my notebook above on the right side of the page... With handwriting that bad, maybe I should have been a doctor?!?) This workout certainly isn't for beginners, though with some … [Read more...] about Breaking Mental (Rep Range) Blocks… A Sandbag, Bodyweight, Kettlebell Workout
Advanced Regressions for the Pistol Squat
Wait.. WHAT? What do you mean by advanced regressions? Basically the regressions in the video below are for people who are very close to getting a first pistol squat or for those who want to start upping their rep ranges :) In my opinion, the end-all-be-all reference for doing the infamous and coveted pistol squat (one leg squat) from the absolute very beginning is Convict … [Read more...] about Advanced Regressions for the Pistol Squat
Outdoor Deviled Eggs “How To” Video, Active Rest and Planning for 2015
After writing a short blog post for the PCC Blog on active rest last week, I've made a concerted effort to include more of it in my week as I ramp up training towards making an audition video for American Ninja Warrior AND helping to lead the PCC Workshop in Encinitas later next month. The weather was really nice yesterday too, so I packed up a couple things and with the excuse … [Read more...] about Outdoor Deviled Eggs “How To” Video, Active Rest and Planning for 2015