The workout here is for general intermediate/advanced fitness enthusiasts and is adapted from two workouts I recently created for two different advanced clients. Both of them have many differences, but the main thing they share is their drive for excellence and strength. I am honored to train both of them, and it’s a joy to plan their next steps towards achieving their goals.
I like the idea of benchmark workouts and usually do one a quarter to make sure I’m staying on track with where I want to be in my own fitness and strength progress. While the “results” won’t always been by the numbers (weight lifted, time of completion, rest time needed), I also like to record general impressions about how I feel about the performance that day. I have personal workout journals going back to 2008, and it’s fun to see both the statistical increase in strength, along with growing confidence. What do you note in your workout journals? Feel free to share it in the comments!
Begin with Joint Mobility*
Warmup Circuit 3x:
- 10x Bodyweight Squats
- 1x Shoulder Bridge (aka hip bridge)
- 5x Push-Ups (1 sec. pause at top and bottom of each rep)
- 3x Pump Stretch w/ optional Prying Cobra**
Main Circuit 6x:
- Heavy Kettlebell Swings (Odd Rounds 10x, Even Rounds 12x)
- Double Kettlebell (rack position) march in place, 30 alternating steps (only raise your feet as high as you can under control. Want to make this really tough? Do these in slow motion.)
- 30 Seconds 80% Effort Fan Bike (No fan bike? Do burpees or 8-count bodybuilders*** at an intense pace instead for 30 seconds)
- 6x Alternating Cossack Squats (with optional light to medium kettlebell)
- 5x Double Kettlebell Bent Over Rows with count of 1 hold at the top (keep your shoulders active during the entire time especially at the bottom of the movement- don’t drop the shoulders at the bottom in a misguided attempt to smash the kettlebells into the ground.)
Mini Almost-Burnout:
- 3-5x Ab Wheel Rollouts
- 1x Full Bridge
- 20x Mountain Climbers
Cool down with Joint Mobility and maybe a short easy walk.
*This is a quick run through of most of the general Joint Mobility warmup:
**Here’s a reminder of what the pump stretch and prying cobra entails – it’s similar to the down-dog, up-dog but with a bit of an optional twist. Keep the shoulders from rising to the ears.
***Here’s a little video about 8-Count Bodybuilders if anyone needs a reminder! 🙂
Revisited this one today for an advanced client – no fan bike, but they chose to do burpees on odd rounds and 8-counts on the even rounds of the main circuit. Fun times!