It happens to the best of us, but recently, my workout partner and I realized that we’d kind of gotten into a rut. Both of us had been managing a particularly high level of stress, so we weren’t going to be hard on ourselves about it. In the bigger picture the fact that we’d kept going was the important part, but it was time to mix things up and revisit some of our favorite workout concepts that had been so effective for us in the past. I’d also realized that there’s over 13 years worth of workouts saved on this very website. Did you know that? And yes, they’re all still free for you to find and use! Be sure to check out the Collected Workouts section if you haven’t already!
This time, we’d decided to revisit an I-Go-You-Go variation that’s really rather high intensity – and then to round it out with a strength circuit and some of our all time favorite abs moves. That Power-Breathing Crunch is life changing, and we’re always thankful to Andrea Du Cane for introducing it to the greater RKC community back in the day.
I Go You Go HIIT Workout with Strength Circuit
Joint Mobility and Abbreviated Cal Poly Hip Flow moves
Kettlebell Warmup Combo 3x:
- 10x kettlebell swings
- 5x kettlebell goblet squats
- 3/3 round the worlds
Mini Calisthenics and Mobility Combo 3-5x:
- 3x Pushups, crawl with hands back to squat position
- 3x Squats (full range of motion always)
- 6x Crab Walk position Opposite hand-foot taps (or do a short crab walk forwards then backwards back into place), reach forward and crawl on hands back to a pushup position, repeat.
I-Go You-Go 30:30 Kettlebell Swings and Battle Rope Combo!
While this is definitely more fun with a partner, you can do this on your own – essentially you do 30 seconds of kettlebell swings with a moderate weight kettlebell (we chose 20kg), then 30 seconds rest, then 30 seconds of battle rope throws, then 30 seconds rest and repeat. We went for 6 complete rounds which means, each of us completed 6 sets of swings and 6 sets of rope throws. We set our timer to beep at 30 seconds so we can swap the rope and kettlebell and generally stagger around during the break! HAHA!
Kettlebell Strength Circuit 5x:
- 5/5 Heavy Kettlebell Rows
- Heavy Kettlebell Goblet Squats (Descending Ladder: First round 10x, 2nd 8x, 3rd 6x, 4th 4x, 5th 2x)
- 5/5 1-Leg Deadlifts (moderate weight kettlebell, balance focus)
- Double Kettlebell Thrusters (we chose a pair of 14kg, also descending ladder same as the heavy squats above)
- 10x Alternating Cossack Squats (without weight – essentially a mobility break)
Abs Finisher 3x:
- 5x Power Breathing Crunches
- 20x One-Arm-One-Leg Plank Switches
- 20x Flutter Kicks
Please let us know in the comments below if you try it, and if you created an interesting variation of your own!
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