This was a ton of fun, and plenty challenging. I designed this for one of my workout partners and I, she’s recently discovered that she can press the 14kg kettlebell, so here’s what we did. Taking only a single 14kg and 20kg kettlebell out to the park with the promise to “share” made things interesting (especially for me, since I ended up with the 20kg fairly often). For the first two items of the circuit below, we just changed the order – one person was doing swings with the 20kg while the other was doing snatches (or one arm swings) with the 14kg kettlebell. If it’s just one person, obviously you won’t need to do that. The “2014” kettlebell sizes are perfect for intermediate/advanced women (the 14kg kettlebell is what I would use in an RKC test for example) with a strength emphasis – though they may be appropriate for many men as well – rest when needed… we staggered around a little while inventing new words a few times…
After a decent warm up, joint mobility, and some of the CC2 (Convict Conditioning Vol 2 Trifecta) we started in on 5 rounds of this fun circuit workout:
- 20 two hand swings with the 20kg kettlebell
- 20 (total – 10/side) snatches (or one arm swings) with the 14kg
- 14 push ups (from the feet or knees, just do them well!!!)
- 14 squats (with kettlebell of choice or bodyweight if necessary)
- 14 (total 7/side) kettlebell rows – kettlebell of choice
- Farmer’s walk down and back with one (or both!) kettlebell, switching hands at the midpoint
Since I got stuck with the 20kg kettlebell a lot, this was a fun strength challenge, especially since we added in a “on your own time during the rests etc” challenge. Before the workout was done, we had to have either done a total of 14 presses (7 per side) with the 20kg (me) or 20 total presses (10 per side) with the 14kg.
After a cool down the walk back to the car with those kettlebells seemed almost easy!
Have a happy and SAFE New Year! And if you have a cool New Year’s Eve or Day workout, please feel free to share it in the comments section below! 🙂
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