My internet nerd friends get the reference there "all the things". Named that because well, there's mobility, calisthenics (pull-ups), kettlebells, and sandbag. Once again, Monday was being Monday and full of all kinds of interesting business related challenges. Still... I wasn't about to skip a workout because of that. After seeing a really fun Facebook Live video of some … [Read more...] about Busy Day Workout for All Of The Things!
Pull-ups, Pull-up grip variations, PLUS Shoulder and Thoracic Spine (Upper Back) Mobility
Since pull-ups and shoulder mobility are inextricably linked, intertwined, and occasionally even inhibit each other, I thought it might be a good idea to have these two videos (and link to Senior RKC Paul Britt's awesome blog post too... keep reading) together. First things first... For people who can do a comfortable 3-5 pull-ups, it can be a fun challenge to (I got this … [Read more...] about Pull-ups, Pull-up grip variations, PLUS Shoulder and Thoracic Spine (Upper Back) Mobility
Lots of Videos, Pull-Ups, Interviews, Monkey Bar Monday, Healthy Skoop, Sewing?!??
It's been fun to explore another part of the city a little, and I was thrilled to find that the fit trail on Lake Ivanhoe is well within a short walking distance of the coworking/makerspace. Here's what went down for Monkey Bar Monday by the way... do you have a fit trail near you? One of my favorite things to do with a small group or one on one client is to … [Read more...] about Lots of Videos, Pull-Ups, Interviews, Monkey Bar Monday, Healthy Skoop, Sewing?!??
A POWER Pull-Up Tip From a Record Setting 7-Year-Old!
This blew me away. I wasn't even planning on writing a blog post today at all, but when Mike Gillette shared a video on Facebook just now of 7-year-old Marina Shvets setting a pull-ups record for Ukraine on Ukraine's got talent I just couldn't keep this unintended performance tip to myself. Thank goodness they seem to shoot this show with what seems like 50 different cameras, … [Read more...] about A POWER Pull-Up Tip From a Record Setting 7-Year-Old!
An Exercise in Adaptation / Regression of a Classic Pavel Plan for Kettlebell and Bodyweight
There was some mention on the Dragon Door forums of "Pavel's Force Recon Workout" and of course I had to check it out. After digging around and following a few links, then comparing them to make sure everything matched up - I found quite an evilly difficult little gem of a program. VERY advanced - and the weights suggested were obviously not meant for me - as much as I hate … [Read more...] about An Exercise in Adaptation / Regression of a Classic Pavel Plan for Kettlebell and Bodyweight
Back on the Pavel Fighter Pull Up Program….
Those of you who are close local friends know that I have an obsession with pull ups - its been going on for at least a year or so - maybe more. As a child I had a rather involved swingset with monkey bars and such - every day I was out there on them, hanging around, literally and managed to become a surprisingly strong little girl. Even now, if I had a backyard, I would … [Read more...] about Back on the Pavel Fighter Pull Up Program….