**Disclosure** I was sent free product for review, and lucky for them I really like it…. because you know I only review things I like. They must have known this too, since it took me a while to get around to this review, and they’ve been checking in on me wondering if all is well (totally understandable)! All is VERY well and I love Healthy Skoop A-Game read below to hear why:
Healthy Skoop sent me a big bag of A-Game to try, along with a little 5 pack of single serving packets in a mini folder that included recipes, ideas, info and more. One of my best clients was going to go on a very physically intense high-altitude adventure vacation so I begrudgingly gave her the fun “5 day challenge” 5-pack since I had this large bag to try… and wouldn’t be camping like she was planning to out there in the wilds of Colorado.
Skoop is also an incredible study in packaging that appeals to certain personalities. It’s fun to read, and the front and back of the bag is like a fun infographic. If you like sharing infographics online, reading a physical one on a bag while a blender whirrs away is way better… trust me.
Having tried a WIDE VARIETY of high end and similarly high priced greens powders over the years (liking some — Greens+ for example is very good… very green flavor, but very good. And not liking some others which of course won’t be named…) I felt confident about reviewing A-Game.
Also… their delivery was extremely well timed as it coincided with one of the largest, most cerebral projects I’d worked on in a very long time. Can’t share it with you at the moment, but between it and my usual training (which would be stepping up for a few reasons, not the least of which was helping to lead a PCC Workshop in NYC, and an upcoming photo shoot. Plus the new indoor location we have for small group has inspired me to step up my own training both there and at home). What I am trying to say is now would be a good time for my to “bring my A-Game” and what do you know, here was a 30-day supply of just that.
As most of you know I’m a big fan of food, and while there are a few supplements I have taken for years, I’m not Vitamin Shoppe’s best customer by any means. I am ALWAYS looking for things that will flavor up a plain grassfed whey protein shake though. And while favorite single note flavors I like to add (as in I add only one of these things) are: cocoa powder, green tea powder, goji powder, Emergen-C (for the “Oh no someone sneezed near me at the gym protein shake” which also makes for a glorious creamsicle flavor), full-strength unsweet cranberry juice (2oz), lime juice and crushed mint (“Macho Mojito” shake), etc. And while the above mentioned items do bring a varying amount of nutrition along with their various flavors, none are specifically all that powerful by themselves. That’s where Skoop A-Game is different.
When designing A-Game, I imagine the folks at Skoop standing around a giant whiteboard writing down every healthy food item they can think of. Then they each shout out their favorite adaptogens, and oh wait, what about antioxidants, and enzymes, and amino acids, and fiber, and probiotics, and and and and. You get the idea. Then somehow they manage to powder and shelf stabilize these items. THEN even more amazing manage to make it palatable. I know. I was shocked too.
So here I was with a big happy bag of A-Game, a fairly monumental cerebral task (and all the other stuff), a fair amount of stress, and my usual propensity to “break all the rules” of thousands upon thousands of online productivity and stress articles about not staying up late. Some of you are not convinced that I sleep. I do, but I’m still not telling you when that happens.
Even though the manufacturers suggest you consume A-Game in the morning at breakfast time (hey it’s always breakfast time somewhere in the world, right?), Skoop A-Game was also really good thing for those mid-afternoon times when you feel like you’re missing something and just don’t know what. Since there’s pretty much a little bit of EVERYTHING in A-Game I found it to be a great pick me up in that regard.
You may be assuming that given the color of the packaging and the name “chocofresh” that the powder in the bag is going to be a dark brown or maroon, or burgandy, or maybe even green considering all the talk of spirulina and pals. But, oddly enough it’s a color I’d more describe as “turmeric-y” even though there isn’t any turmeric in there. So when you mix it up with just water, it may be a strange, not-so-appetizing color when you’re not used to it. But, that’s no biggie everything else about it is extremely good – and while they say that mixing a little scoop of it with just water is for the health-nut extremist, they obviously haven’t tried doing that with some things from the competition… because A-Game is a smooth and easy to drink item compared to anything else I’ve tried in recent years.
It also works great in a plain or vanilla grassfed whey shake. While it has some powdered honey and stevia in it, they are not in high amounts, and it is not overly sweet. Thank goodness.
As a plus, it apparently tastes great when camping and hiking all over Colorado too, at least that’s what’s been reported by my client who very much enjoyed the 5 day’s worth of it!
They’ve suggested other ways to enjoy the powder — mixed into yogurt, or oatmeal, or whisked into almond milk, too.
So yes, I will be ordering more A-Game and am curious to try their plant-based B-Strong protein, and B-Lovely (skin/nails/etc) supplements next, too!
Here’s an adorable video about it too:
[Update: mixed a scoop of it into some plain organic Greek yogurt and it was fantastic! Regular yogurt would work as well if not better since the scoop of A-Game had a slightly thickening effect on the yogurt. All and all really great! Nice as a breakfast treat or for the afternoon.]While A-Game is definitely on the side of spendy, please note that there are some interesting ways to save. For one, if you purchase through the links that are all through this page you’ve been reading, you’ll already see the discounted price ($55/30 servings bag) as compared to the official corporate Healthy Skoop site ($65 for the same exact bag!). Now… if you find that you REALLY love Healthy Skoop’s products, and have a website, gym, a whole bunch of health-conscious friends, or all three you may wish to sign up to “sell” Healthy Skoop and earn commissions (much like traditional affiliate program — on the sales you send to your little Healthy Skoop site).
Even though it costs $50 to sign up as a seller, I was pleased to see that you receive a very cool starter kit containing 5 of the 5-day-challenge packs, 5 B-Strong Protein Powder single serving packs, 5 B-Lovely single serving packs, a Skoop branded blender bottle, your own Skoop storefront page, and printed promo materials about A-Game and basic nutrition (they are adorable), and a shaker bottle. If you do the math, its a very good value in and of itself — plus you’re then set up and ready to earn commissions too! I signed up very recently and hope you will consider it as well.
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