So a friend of GiryaGirl on Twitter made a post this morning, or rather a re-tweet of the following quote:
“If you talked to your friends the way you talk to your body, you’d have no friends left at all.” ~Marcia Hutchinson
This made me pause… and then remark:
LOL are you kidding? They’d just all be “special friends” …perhaps I have said too much
But it got me thinking – in a comedic way as well as a serious way about how important our self-talk is to our success and/or failures. If you tell yourself you can’t get stronger, lose weight, stick with a program, etc then most likely you will fulfill that prophecy.
Conversely, if you support yourself emotionally as I am sure you do with a good friend or two – encourage yourself with your self-talk – then you stand a much much greater chance at success. Even if you don’t achieve a specific goal, you will feel better in general. So in a world so full of negativity, why not count on the ONE PERSON you have complete control over… YOU. Say something nice and encouraging to yourself RIGHT NOW.
OK, sort of promised a few laughs, here’s the sort of sordid discussions that happen in my head all the time and which prompted my twitter reply above:
- Let’s see if you can do that weighted pull up… I DARE YOU TO TRY!!
- Oooooo! Let’s go buy more really tight black clothes!
- No, go ahead, really – I want to see you eat all those almonds and not explode
- Tired? Really? How about 200 more kettlebell swings, then you’re allowed to be tired
- OK that clean and press wasn’t perfect, but it’s on the right track, so try again
- Are you sure you want to eat that? Remember what happened last time?
- OMG look at what you can do!!!
- Yes organic is more expensive, but YOU are WORTH IT.
- Let’s go get wacky on too much espresso and write a bunch of awesome articles!
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