Day one of CK-FMS is in the books – what a fact and action filled and day – a bit more “lecture” component than what I’m used to with Dragon Door workshops , but completely understandable considering the massive amount of info we are and will be covering. Besides, the dynamic personalities of Brett Jones and Gray Cook assure that there’s never ever ever a dull moment. The day began with optional recertification for RKC , since I had just attended the RKCII this past July, this wasn’t necessary for me this time – but it was good to be supportive of those who were retesting, and its always a great opportunity to review the form – which we are doing here and there during the weekend as well. I can’t stress enough how important it is to constantly work on your basic RKC 6 Kettlebell exercises. Some people may think that you can get “bored” of “just 6 exercises” but the fascinating and crucial nuances and subtleties are what make good movements into excellent movements with seemingly “magic” results.
Today we were introduced to the actual Functional Movement Screen, a system of 7 tests, seemingly simple but again nuance and accuracy being the key. Sometimes it felt like splitting hairs, but that’s where the answers often were. Part of the challenge administering the FMS is to not OVER think or overanalyze what’s going on. You save that part for later – you administer the screen – and try not to color it with interpretation until later. Even the wording of the cues you give the client are designed in such a way that the screen is standardized. Being the daughter of a psychologist, and having been subjected (thanks for the m&ms) to many different tests, screens, questionaires over the years (you have to practice them on someone, might as well use family?) I have a real appreciation for a well designed test. Especially ones that reach conclusive results which can then be used as a baseline for improvement. There’s a particular elegance to the CK-FMS system that when applied correctly has so much value – I am already excited about screening my current clients, and am debating who I want to talk into being the “case study.” If any of you guys are reading this and are extra interested in being the “case study” please let me know asap – if several of you are in “the running” thats ok too – because extra practice is just fine by me.
I was also screened and will be screened several times over the weekend – and well, I know I have some shortcomings, but it is always humbling to see those quantified and charted out. And let me just say, some of the tests are REALLY REALLY difficult… you will feel like you have not only 2 left feet, but maybe 2 left arms as well.
Tomorrow is starting early and I am determined to get some of that great local Dunn Brother’s Coffee before it all gets started. So it’s night night time for me.
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