My main arguments against planning out meals too far in advance, or buying meal plans from others are: I change my mind a lot, and my best meals (that result in shared recipes) are nearly spontaneous. Don't tell ME what to eat. I often take advantage of seasonal (read "on sale") organic foods. While I can certainly see the value in diet-specific or contest prep … [Read more...] about The Extreme Value of Delicious Delivered Organic Fruits and Vegetables With Unpacking VIDEO!
Ask GiryaGirl
A Q&A Column - your questions answered from communications here, Facebook, Twitter and real life!
Ask GiryaGirl: I want to work out today, but have no idea what to do?! What’s GTG?
I want to workout but... Q: I want to work out, but have no idea what to do, I'm between programs or haven't decided what I really need to work on. The internet has filled my head with conflicting info and lists of 1,203 different exercises that I now feel compelled to work on RIGHT NOW! What to do?!? A Short Answer: Do some kettlebell (or even just bodyweight) … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: I want to work out today, but have no idea what to do?! What’s GTG?
Ask GiryaGirl: Why Am I Sliding With Aussie Pull-Ups? Why Are All Your Product Reviews Positive?
Q: Help! My feet keep sliding when I perform Aussie Pull Ups and I need to practice them because I'm planning to attend the PCC and they are a required part of the women's test!!! A: Hurrah!!!! I am so glad you are coming to the PCC, and that you are asking me about the women's Century Test. So far the ladies have been a little under-represented at the PCC and I'm on a … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Why Am I Sliding With Aussie Pull-Ups? Why Are All Your Product Reviews Positive?
Ask GiryaGirl: To Chalk or Not to Chalk When Swinging or Snatching Kettlebells?
A lively discussion erupted online the other day surrounding the use of chalk with kettlebells. This is another one of those interesting situations where there's no one right answer, there's the right answer for you--which also may or may not be situation dependent! So in an effort to hopefully help you or your clients, here's some of my personal observations which may or … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: To Chalk or Not to Chalk When Swinging or Snatching Kettlebells?
Ask GiryaGirl: How Can I Get Arms Like That? How Do Kettlebells Work on Arms?
At least once every other week, someone has an arm-related question for me. Sometimes they're amusingly rhetorical questions, sometimes not. But there is a whole lot of thinking about arms going on in the world--and with everyone. So here's my answers to a few of the more common "arm related questions" that keep popping up. And please feel free to add your own "arm … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: How Can I Get Arms Like That? How Do Kettlebells Work on Arms?
Do you make fresh juices? Beyond Organic Hot Dogs? TV Squat Swings?
I've gotten a few questions over the past few days from people - both online and in real life - so guess what! It's Q&A time! Q: Making fresh fruit and vegetable juices seems really popular among the healthy lifestyles crowd, but I never hear you talk about it - do you juice? What do you think of juicing? A: OK - this is 100% my personal opinion, but here you … [Read more...] about Do you make fresh juices? Beyond Organic Hot Dogs? TV Squat Swings?
Some Black Friday Tips with a LOT of VALUE – Kettlebell Size Chart
Pretty sure the people outside the US who read this blog are already shaking their heads in wonder at yet another display of the bizarre "USA Sport" known as Black Friday shopping. Not to worry, I am too. Being 5'3" and not prone to excessive violence means I just shrug and look for deals online. Fortunately this year seems to be bursting with them... and unlike the … [Read more...] about Some Black Friday Tips with a LOT of VALUE – Kettlebell Size Chart
Ask GiryaGirl: The Century Workout and How Do You Keep From Swinging When Performing Hanging Knee or Leg Raises??
Starting to get seriously psyched about the first ever Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop planned for this coming June. Every time I even look at that page it's exciting to see my name up there as an instructor with Al and Danny Kavadlo. Amusingly enough, I'm almost just as excited to get my paws on the 600 page manual Paul Wade has written especially for the … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: The Century Workout and How Do You Keep From Swinging When Performing Hanging Knee or Leg Raises??
3 Tips for Swinging HEAVY Kettlebells From Someone Light
So, you think you have a pretty decent "handle" on the kettlebell swing, or if not, don't go heavy yet. However, when we THINK we have a good grasp of the swing with our usual kettlebell, grabbing a heavier one can make it feel like a whole new challenge. OR... more likely it just decides to show you everything you might be doing wrong. While I don't mind swinging with light or … [Read more...] about 3 Tips for Swinging HEAVY Kettlebells From Someone Light
Ask GiryaGirl: Confusion with HKC, RKC, SFG, Photoshoots, Grab n Go Foods
This has been the week for very meaningful conversations. In addition to many messages, emails, and phone calls with friends and fellow instructors/trainers and aspiring instructors, I've conducted over 5 very intensive interviews this past week (and this week isn't nearly over yet). I can't wait for them to be ready to share. Some of the personal stories are inspiring to say … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Confusion with HKC, RKC, SFG, Photoshoots, Grab n Go Foods