First off, there's been a TON of especially great stuff on the Dragon Door blogs these past couple weeks/months... If you haven't already, visit and bookmark the RKC Blog, the PCC Blog, and the Strong Medicine Blog for a curated steady stream of great info every week. Q: I only have one kettlebell, it's the one I started with so it's a little light for most of the things … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: I Only Have One or Two Kettlebells, What Else Can I Do? What is Your Skincare Routine?
Ask GiryaGirl
A Q&A Column - your questions answered from communications here, Facebook, Twitter and real life!
Ask GiryaGirl: What’s MonkeyBarMonday? What’s an EMOM workout? and Some Small Questions
What's all this MONDAY Monkey Business??!? Monkey Bar Monday, aka #MonkeyBarMonday or #MBM started on a total whim several months ago. As usual I'd had quite a lot of espresso and decided to walk over to a small park where some monkey bars were gloriously empty... and it was Monday. And Monday and Monkey start with M... which makes it catch enough to turn into a … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: What’s MonkeyBarMonday? What’s an EMOM workout? and Some Small Questions
Want to learn about kettlebells from the Girya Girl? Come train with me!
Now accepting individual and small group clients for RKC style kettlebell training in Research Triangle (Durham, RTP, Chapel Hill) North Carolina - please contact me by email so we can setup an appointment - … [Read more...] about Want to learn about kettlebells from the Girya Girl? Come train with me!
Mosquito Repellent and Dragon Door Kettlebells – Problem and Solution!
Q: OMG!!! I wore some bug repellent and now the rust resistant e-coat is coming off my Dragon Door kettlebells and attaching itself to my wrists, arms, etc???? How do I make this stop?? A: Here in Florida we deal with extreme heat, humidity and... MOSQUITOS when training outdoors. However, this year seems to be the Summer of the Mosquito … [Read more...] about Mosquito Repellent and Dragon Door Kettlebells – Problem and Solution!
Ask GiryaGirl: 10,000 Swing Challenge Help! What do you eat for breakfast? Healthy Hot Cocoa?
This morning was a flurry of activity as you slackers finally came back to work from long holiday weekends and all decided to call, email, text, facebook, twitter, etc. Joking about the slackers part, I just wanted to poke fun at you all - since it was hard to get a few tasks going while carrying on about 6 different trains of thought/conversations. But I'm pretty ok at that … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: 10,000 Swing Challenge Help! What do you eat for breakfast? Healthy Hot Cocoa?
Ask GiryaGirl: Should I go for the RKC the HKC or the PCC? Master the Kettlebell or Enter the Kettlebell?
These questions pop up a lot in day to day life online, in person, and always in email. So, it seems more than fair to answer them here for you too! Q: I'm a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, strength coach, exercise enthusiast, etc. I want to learn more about kettlebells and fitness in an intensive way, which workshop should I choose? What's the difference … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Should I go for the RKC the HKC or the PCC? Master the Kettlebell or Enter the Kettlebell?
Ask GiryaGirl: Thanksgiving, Anywhere Workouts… and a Few Random Ones…
While Thanksgiving is tomorrow, some of this Q+A may be a little on the "late" side but maybe not! Q: What are you cooking or sharing for Thanksgiving? A: Even though some of the family has said "don't worry we have it all here", I'm always one to bring something. For one I like to share, and for two it means I know that there will be a lower carb option with no hidden … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Thanksgiving, Anywhere Workouts… and a Few Random Ones…
Ask GiryaGirl: “Impossible” slacklining and a Mini Q+A about PCC Workshops!
Before we get started with the Q+A I wanted to share a couple things, first off, I've enjoyed slacklining for a while now, but am always reminded of the very important lesson from when I first started trying it -- it really REALLY did seem impossible, but after trying and trying and trying and trying it finally happened. When I get in the zone I can walk back and forth and … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: “Impossible” slacklining and a Mini Q+A about PCC Workshops!
What is a Kiwi Berry? Another Delivery From Space Girl Organics ( CFL Organics ) and a Simple Intense Workout
MMMMMMMM Wednesdays are delicious! Thanks to Space Girl Organics! (Now known as CFL Organics) Here's what arrived today and if you are curious as to what a "kiwi berry" is, that is explained in detail (with two of them cut in half as well) What do I plan to do with all these vegetables? I tell you exactly what in the video above! The recipes mentioned are listed below … [Read more...] about What is a Kiwi Berry? Another Delivery From Space Girl Organics ( CFL Organics ) and a Simple Intense Workout
Ask GiryaGirl: YOUR Questions About Push Ups, Flags, Neuro-Grips, Hip Hinges, Youngevity?
Been meaning to compile some of these for a while. A number of regular readers of this site send really good questions via email and they are usually things that others will want to know too. This is just barely scratching the surface, but here we go! Q: Is it better to do push ups from kettlebell handles or should I just do regular ones? A: I wouldn’t say “better” … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: YOUR Questions About Push Ups, Flags, Neuro-Grips, Hip Hinges, Youngevity?