Q: "When do you sleep?" A: "That's classified." I was way too excited about these ingredients at 1AM while making this video... But in all seriousness, like many of you I have a pretty full tilt, nearly 24/hr day. As a friend of mine out west is now really discovering, exercise is a privilege. He injured himself and is having to take time off. Already we're seeing … [Read more...] about Whew! So Much Going On! Here’s a Recipe and a Workout
Ask GiryaGirl
A Q&A Column - your questions answered from communications here, Facebook, Twitter and real life!
What is a Girya or Kettlebell?
A spherical cast iron weight of a given size with a large, usually thick handle protruding from the top. Often, the bottom of the kettlebell will be slightly flattened. Kettlebells are usually painted or sealed against rust, and are sometimes given a colorful rubber coating. Sometimes kettlebells are referred to by their Russian name: Girya, similarly, a person who practices or … [Read more...] about What is a Girya or Kettlebell?
Where can I find a kettlebell?
Dragon Door the first place to seriously offer kettlebells in the USA, still they are the number one place to go for amazing quality kettlebells. I wrote a somewhat extensive review on why they're the best and why they're the only ones I can be bothered to purchase. Purchase Dragon Door kettlebells from 10lbs all the way to 132lbs!! … [Read more...] about Where can I find a kettlebell?
What does RKC stand for?
RKC is an abbreviation for "Russian Kettlebell Challenge" or "Russian Kettlebell Certification" and refers to Dragon Door's 3-day kettlebell instructor certification workshops held all around the world. This challenging workshop teaches six main kettlebell lifts along with many other non-tested drills. Participants are required to pass technique tests, a teaching test, and a … [Read more...] about What does RKC stand for?
How do I care for my cast iron cookware?!
Cast iron cookware has a life and personality of its own - sometimes being passed down generation to generation in families - as is the case with my larger skillet which I use to prepare about 90% of my at home meals. Yesterday I found a two pack of mini 6.5" Lodge Logic skillets at Williams Sonoma for only $20 (!) They're the perfect size for (large) single serving … [Read more...] about How do I care for my cast iron cookware?!
Ask GiryaGirl: A Kettlebell Technique Get-Up PET PEEVE and How to Fix It…
First of all, before anyone thinks I'm about to get all preachy over here about the get-up, let's get some things straight... many years ago before even training with an RKC instructor (I had a hard time finding one at the time) I tried to teach myself the get-up. And I really wish that I had video of that to show you, because I would somehow end up facing the opposite … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: A Kettlebell Technique Get-Up PET PEEVE and How to Fix It…
Ask Giryagirl: More Tips to Fix Your Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing [VIDEOS!]
Every now and then, friends and former clients who've moved away will send along a video of their kettlebell swing. "Does this look right?!" or "What am I doing wrong?!" etc. And before we even get to the fact of the different legitimate styles of kettlebell swings (I practice and teach the RKC hardstyle kettlebell swing, but there's also a GS "Girvoy Sport" style of swing, … [Read more...] about Ask Giryagirl: More Tips to Fix Your Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing [VIDEOS!]
Ask GiryaGirl: I just learned the kettlebell swing… Now what?!
So - you may have had your first visit with an RKC or HKC instructor and learned to do the kettlebell swing ! (Big shout out to Mark, Nick, and Tony!) Now you're back home, have given yourself a rest and are no longer gnashing your teeth because of being sore in weird places. Where to start?! Here's a couple of routines you can use to reinforce and practice what you … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: I just learned the kettlebell swing… Now what?!
Ask GiryaGirl: What’s the difference between a Hass Avocado and a Florida Avocado? [video]
Let's be clear... I love ALL avocados, however during this time of year we sometimes get more choices in the avocado department. While all the avocados are wonderful, some are better suited (flavor and texture) for different applications. While I prefer to make guacamole with the Hass variety, I like to add the sweeter, more hydrating tasting Florida avocados to salads like the … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: What’s the difference between a Hass Avocado and a Florida Avocado? [video]
Ask GiryaGirl: Is Convict Conditioning OK for Women? Are there Prerequisites for the HKC? And A SERIOUS Interview!
Could have SWORN that I'd answered the first question before, and maybe I have, but I also forget what day it is on a semi-regular basis given that sometimes enough interesting things happen in 1/4 of a day to account for a full day. Not complaining about that one bit. Without any further delay, here we go! Q: Is Convict Conditioning suitable for women? A: YES! It's … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Is Convict Conditioning OK for Women? Are there Prerequisites for the HKC? And A SERIOUS Interview!