A lively discussion erupted online the other day surrounding the use of chalk with kettlebells. This is another one of those interesting situations where there's no one right answer, there's the right answer for you--which also may or may not be situation dependent! So in an effort to hopefully help you or your clients, here's some of my personal observations which may or … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: To Chalk or Not to Chalk When Swinging or Snatching Kettlebells?
Drawing a Line in the Sand
Yesterday I went to visit a friend of mine who lives in Celebration, FL. For those of you who live outside Florida, Celebration is a city built by Disney. It's pretty neat, and most of the eerie-ness has worn off of its perfect "all built at the same time" veneer. As more people have moved there, they’ve managed to smooth the “Stepford-like” edges in that way that humans do. … [Read more...] about Drawing a Line in the Sand
Ask GiryaGirl: How Can I Get Arms Like That? How Do Kettlebells Work on Arms?
At least once every other week, someone has an arm-related question for me. Sometimes they're amusingly rhetorical questions, sometimes not. But there is a whole lot of thinking about arms going on in the world--and with everyone. So here's my answers to a few of the more common "arm related questions" that keep popping up. And please feel free to add your own "arm … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: How Can I Get Arms Like That? How Do Kettlebells Work on Arms?
Do you make fresh juices? Beyond Organic Hot Dogs? TV Squat Swings?
I've gotten a few questions over the past few days from people - both online and in real life - so guess what! It's Q&A time! Q: Making fresh fruit and vegetable juices seems really popular among the healthy lifestyles crowd, but I never hear you talk about it - do you juice? What do you think of juicing? A: OK - this is 100% my personal opinion, but here you … [Read more...] about Do you make fresh juices? Beyond Organic Hot Dogs? TV Squat Swings?
Savory Internationally Inspired Black Bean Dip
This hummus-like Mediterranean-ish, but yet South Western-ish bean dip has been a favorite and often requested recipe of mine since about 2002! It featured in a cookbook/workshop from way back then when I was also vegan. Those times have long past, but I still often enjoy some of the vegan/vegetarian—and sometimes RAW food recipes from that period as they sometimes fall within … [Read more...] about Savory Internationally Inspired Black Bean Dip
Just Got Back from the First EVER PCC Workshop in Sweden!
As soon as I'm able to form things called "words" and "sentences" more betterer [sic] then I'll have a WHOLE lot to say about the past few days. The first ever PCC Workshop in Sweden exceeded all expectations--especially the incredible skills and ambition of the attendees. Everyone was a friend--it was like we had already known each other for years (not even because of … [Read more...] about Just Got Back from the First EVER PCC Workshop in Sweden!
October Primal Move Workshops, Travel, and a Neat New Exercise Tool
It's been an incredible month—and it isn't even over yet! First of all, I led 2 Primal Move Instructor Certification Workshops—One in Vienna, Virginia at the amazing "Tyson's Playground" athletic training facility, and the other in Cartersville, GA at Beth and Russell Andrews' wonderful Maximum Body Training. Also in Georgia, I was able to help Beth a little at the HKC … [Read more...] about October Primal Move Workshops, Travel, and a Neat New Exercise Tool
BIG Celebration at Dragon Door – Offer is Over, But Here’s a Workout!
Yesterday, Dragon Door celebrated reaching over 60,000 likes on their official Facebook page by offering free shipping for the contiguous USA on everything for 24hrs only. Hopefully you were able to take advantage of this offer—I did notice that readers of GiryaGirl.com did seem to take action pretty quick, judging from your clicks!!! I also noticed that many of you were … [Read more...] about BIG Celebration at Dragon Door – Offer is Over, But Here’s a Workout!
Carrying On: a Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout
The weather has finally started to get really nice in Florida, so we took the small group workout to the park today. The soft grass there is just fantastic for Primal Move, the Trifecta from Convict Conditioning Vol 2 and more. Truth be told, we've been doing an experiment and have been adding the Trifecta to our workouts for the past month. It's been so fun, and has been … [Read more...] about Carrying On: a Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout
Circuit Workout for Kettlebells and Muscle Ropes — with Mini Product Review!
The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Muscle Ropes. Our kettlebell small group is a tough crowd. While most of our workouts focus on kettlebell exercises and bodyweight exercises, we love to mix in some other simple tools from time to time. One of our collective favorites is a battle rope like the one pictured above which was sent to us for … [Read more...] about Circuit Workout for Kettlebells and Muscle Ropes — with Mini Product Review!