Surprising flavors from this recipe adapted from the liner notes of a cd! Einstürzende Neubauten's Scampi Recipe (Adapted) Surprising flavors from this recipe adapted from the liner notes of a music cd! Adapted from the liner notes of Einstürzende Neubauten's Strategies Against Architecture III, a retrospective of the band's work in the years 1991-2001. The … [Read more...] about Einstürzende Neubauten’s Shrimp Scampi Recipe (Adapted)
A Carousel Workout – for Kettlebell and Bodyweight exercises
More affectionately nicknamed the "Carousel of Carnage" by our "knack for nicknames" guy at kettlebell small group, this circuit of stations presented some interesting challenges in the un-relenting Florida heat yesterday evening. In addition to bringing some ideas from various other related projects to the mix, I also brought the grip balls from to further … [Read more...] about A Carousel Workout – for Kettlebell and Bodyweight exercises
33 Degrees of Happy Birthday – a Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout
It's always a lot of fun to make up a little birthday themed workout for members of my kettlebell small group classes. Yesterday was no exception - though odd numbered ages are always an interesting challenge. The participants in yesterday's advanced class were told to get 2 kettlebells - one on the heavy side (for 2 hand swings, the ladies chose 20kg and 24kg—told you this … [Read more...] about 33 Degrees of Happy Birthday – a Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout
Curating Reality for Happiness and Hyperproductivity
The absolute beginning of the biggest improvements in my adult life came when I started imagining not just what would be "good enough" but what would be "ideal". Thing is, you can always scale back from the ideal, or work up to the ideal--but the act of thinking of the ideal at all can help (at least it helped me) remove some self-imposed barriers I had no idea even existed! … [Read more...] about Curating Reality for Happiness and Hyperproductivity
Simple Workout With Classic Kettlebell Moves
Sometimes it's a very good thing to keep it simple, and often with kettlebells and bodyweight you'll notice that there's a great power in keeping things simple. The same is overwhelmingly true as described by Marty Gallagher in his most recent post on barbell training over at the blog. And while I don't personally do a whole heck of a lot of barbell … [Read more...] about Simple Workout With Classic Kettlebell Moves
A Great Excuse to Drag a Bunch of Things Out to the Park – Workout and Skill Practice
On somewhat of a lark it seemed like a fun idea to drag a variety of favorite "toys" out to the park today. A friend met me for this challenge and I also wanted to borrow her slackline. Because mine is SO stretchy I'd been having to hang it so high between trees that when I was jumping or falling off of it with the usual frequency it was starting to stress out my achilles … [Read more...] about A Great Excuse to Drag a Bunch of Things Out to the Park – Workout and Skill Practice
Down by Twos… a Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout
This is another fun "benchmark" workout that definitely let us all know where we are with our conditioning. Amusingly, the Primal Move warm up, Convict Conditioning Trifecta, the sequence and then the Primal Move cool down took about 40 minutes. According to my Armour39, during that 40 minutes, 409 calories were destroyed. That wasn't the goal, but it does explain why I eat … [Read more...] about Down by Twos… a Kettlebell and Bodyweight Workout
Ask GiryaGirl: Why Am I Sliding With Aussie Pull-Ups? Why Are All Your Product Reviews Positive?
Q: Help! My feet keep sliding when I perform Aussie Pull Ups and I need to practice them because I'm planning to attend the PCC and they are a required part of the women's test!!! A: Hurrah!!!! I am so glad you are coming to the PCC, and that you are asking me about the women's Century Test. So far the ladies have been a little under-represented at the PCC and I'm on a … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Why Am I Sliding With Aussie Pull-Ups? Why Are All Your Product Reviews Positive?
Basic But Delicious Roast Chicken
Adapted from Thomas Keller's Favorite Roast Chicken Recipe (I made it even simpler) Much has been said of the Thomas Keller's Favorite Roast Chicken, and it is truly delicious. The original recipe calls for other items like mustard, thyme etc. And they are good. BUT many times I just want a very basic (but tasty) roast chicken. As I usually cook for just one or two, making … [Read more...] about Basic But Delicious Roast Chicken
Expert Hand Care Advice From Ian Holmes, RKC
Ian Holmes, climber, ice climber, acrobat, gymnast, powerlifter, iconoclast, adventurer extrordinare, knocks out one arm chin ups like they're nothing, swings & snatches the heaviest kettlebells without a flinch and has flawless hands at the end of a grueling 3-day RKC Workshop that leaves others nearly disfigured. (He was also quite the fashion rebel at the Chicago RKC, … [Read more...] about Expert Hand Care Advice From Ian Holmes, RKC