This fun challenge I wrote up for a friend and I became a neat strength endurance challenge of the "accidental cardio" variety (in places). I've been gearing up for Zach Even-Esh's Underground Strength Coach workshop in Orlando, and essentially using that as an excuse to come up with more "General preparedness" workouts inspired by his book the Encyclopedia of Underground … [Read more...] about A Challenging But Oddly Stress-Relieving Workout
So Much Excitement, So much To Share! (and a Kettlebell Workout)
First off, if you haven't already checked it out, Explosive Calisthenics (sometimes referred to by enthusiasts and superfans as Convict Conditioning Vol 3) is now out in both paperback and eBook form! While the eBook might be convenient in some ways, like the fact that you wouldn't need to wait on or pay for shipping, the paperback is just really a while lot of fun. It's a … [Read more...] about So Much Excitement, So much To Share! (and a Kettlebell Workout)
Happy Monkey Bar Monday! A Video and More Exciting News…
After having put in a whole heck of a lot of hours these past few weeks on various projects (for others mostly... you may have noticed the blog posts here have been a little few and far between... sorry about that) it was time to GET OUTSIDE before it gets annoyingly hot here in Florida. Well... it was kind of really bright out there today, but I didn't let that stop me, … [Read more...] about Happy Monkey Bar Monday! A Video and More Exciting News…
Barbarian Track Day – Another Silly Sounding But Challenging Workout
The photo at the left here is my silly attempt at a heroic pose with a very serious piece of exercise equipment from Ryan Pitts of He makes some incredible stuff of fantastic craftsmanship, which if you haven't checked it out, please do so. This exercise mace is down right formidable and while I've gotten better with it (with weight added in the globe) it … [Read more...] about Barbarian Track Day – Another Silly Sounding But Challenging Workout
A Workout, a Template, a Tetanus shot, an Introduction, and Something to Look Forward to!
Let's start with the workout and you can decide how much entertainment beyond that you'd like. This has been a fairly crazy week, as usual. For about a week I had misplaced the completed "little gray Moleskine notebook" that I'd been scribbing workouts to test and the results and adjustments of them. Since there's been some joking about certain people "snagging it and making … [Read more...] about A Workout, a Template, a Tetanus shot, an Introduction, and Something to Look Forward to!
Slow Cooker Recipes
Busy? Fire up the slow cooker with these recipes! Just a little bit of preparation and these hearty dishes will cook themselves while you work or take care of any other tasks! … [Read more...] about Slow Cooker Recipes
Ask GiryaGirl: Should I go for the RKC the HKC or the PCC? Master the Kettlebell or Enter the Kettlebell?
These questions pop up a lot in day to day life online, in person, and always in email. So, it seems more than fair to answer them here for you too! Q: I'm a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, strength coach, exercise enthusiast, etc. I want to learn more about kettlebells and fitness in an intensive way, which workshop should I choose? What's the difference … [Read more...] about Ask GiryaGirl: Should I go for the RKC the HKC or the PCC? Master the Kettlebell or Enter the Kettlebell?
The Great 38, A Birthday Workout Challenge!
Even though I'd made a "38 birthday workout" for a client a few years ago, and considered just recycling it for myself, I decided NOPE!! I need my own, and something goofily specific to what I like to do. So yes, there are pull ups involved. DEAD HANG pull ups of course... which can always been substituted out with Aussie pull ups or the fun variation I brought for my training … [Read more...] about The Great 38, A Birthday Workout Challenge!
PCC Workshop Recap, BIG News for Fitness Professionals, and…MOBILE!
Where to start?! There's a LOT going on... FIRST, last weekend was the Encinitas PCC Workshop, which was FANTASTIC. Al Kavadlo asked me to do the experience write up for it on the PCC Blog, so click here to read all about it and see some incredibly inspiring photos too! SECOND order of VERY big news... Dragon Door's powerful one-day Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification … [Read more...] about PCC Workshop Recap, BIG News for Fitness Professionals, and…MOBILE!
The House Always Wins… A Bodyweight Workout At Home
Used to be ashamed of this, but after hearing that some other very esteemed top instructors also had the same problem I've gotten over it. And that's an ability to coach and count at the same time. Seeing that the coaching part is more important, I decided to add a couple sets of poker chips to my collection of workout items. One is this very simple plastic box of 100 chips … [Read more...] about The House Always Wins… A Bodyweight Workout At Home