Its so important to always keep learning – and I’d encourage all RKCs, HKCs, and fitness professionals in general to get together with each other, share skills, check each other and of course to have fun. This past weekend I went to see Laurel Blackburn of Tallahassee Kettlebells and Boot Camps To Go – after she tried to kill us both with the sled and prowler drag/push up what seemed to be uphill the entire way LOL we went back to her awesome fun gym the next day to work on kettlebell and pull up techniques. I brought my silly little camera that I recently discovered allows for SLOW MOTION PLAYBACK!!!! If you haven’t used this, I really recommend it – my camera is nothing fancy, just a little Canon PowerShot purchased from BestBuy over 2 years ago – check to see if your camera can do this – its really a fun and effective (well at least for my brain) training tool. Laurel gave me some fantastic tips about taming the arc on kettlebell snatches – I’d been consistently tearing up my hands when doing high rep snatches with 16kg kettlebells – with a 12kg, not a problem. But for whatever (psychological most likely) reason switching up to the 16kg caused me to grip it tighter at the wrong moments, etc. That and I wasn’t taming the arc – like… AT ALL.
Laurel gave me a GREAT cue for this – from the top just think that you’re almost accidentally “dropping” your kettlebell – controlled of course, but you pop it over with the wrist still close into the body and not throwing it way out in front of you. Easier on the hands for sure and just a teeny bit easier all around – which is always very good news….
Before this, we worked on heavy pressing, pull up technique – weighted and unweighted, planks, and a fair amount of trying new things and goofing around – I have a goal of climbing rope in an L-sit for more than just a few feet…. its FUN!!!
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