Now that I have your attention… hahaha. Simply called because the workout was broken up into two small pieces to fit a crazy schedule – I do this a lot actually – some days so much so that it becomes more a GTG (Grease the Groove – more on this concept later). Anyhow here’s what happened:
Using your accustomed kettlebell for snatching – OR if you have something a little too light, do this for time – maintaining your proper form of course (or it doesn’t count!!!!!). If you have something a little heavier than normal, take necessary breaks.
Remember your joint mobility warm up then…
- 10 kettlebell snatches right, 10 kettlebell snatches left, 10 burpees
- 9 kettlebell snatches right, 9 kettlebell snatches left, 9 burpees
- 8 kettlebell snatches right, 8 kettlebell snatches left, 8 burpees
- 7 kettlebell snatches right, 7 kettlebell snatches left, 7 burpees
- 6 kettlebell snatches right, 6 kettlebell snatches left, 6 burpees
- ……… all the way down to
- 1 kettlebell snatches right, 1 kettlebell snatches left, 1 burpees
For good measure I then performed 10 total Get Ups, a few Convict Conditioning style Full Bridges, and this weird headstand ab thing I like to do that once I figure out what it is called I’ll share with you – its oddly powerful, especially when you keep it slow and controlled.
Later that day it was decending ladder pull ups time: starting with 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 …. down to 1. Resting between sets as needed, or until whatever small chore I was doing was done. If you are not this far along in your pull up journey, feel free to substitute with another intense full body strength exercise – like a strict push up, very well done bodyweight or kettlebell squats etc.
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