This is a fun one – earlier it was storming outside and that inspired me to write up a workout for the small group that would keep us off of the potentially wet ground – and well – to keep the kettlebells low (remind me to tell you a story about this time I was practicing kettlebell snatches and the timing of a far off clap of thunder…) Anyhow, back to our workout…
You may wish to have a few kettlebells of different sizes available – I put out a full selection for my small group today – 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg so that they could adjust as necessary, or as I suggest (HEY! That’s too easy for you! or WOAH put that down it’s throwing off your form! Use good judgement – some old wise friends of mine used to say – if you’ve got something to prove you’ll wind up in 1 of 2 places – jail or the hospital.)
Always start with your favorite joint mobility exercises – and a few that AREN’T your favorite too – since those are probably the ones you really need to be doing. Warm up with 20 kettlebell swings with a moderate kettlebell – THEN…. grab a heavier kettlebell and knock out the following with your best form:
Repeat the following 3 times:
- 30 seconds 2 hand kettlebell swings, 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds kettlebell deadlifts, 30 seconds rest
Thundergod circuit! Repeat 3-4 times best form and best time – rest as necessary
- Low windmill 3/side
- 15 Sandbag Burpees*
- 10/side Kettlebell “slingshot” aka “Around the Worlds”
- 10/side kettlebell rows
Finish up with some random fun – we revisited kettlebell carries at the Ageless Body Workshop this past weekend – and so of course we did those in class today – I’ll write more in detail about it but suffice it to say – if you want to get some crazy rhomboids like mine (pull ups and farmers walks are the secret) add in some farmers walks. Make sure to keep your shoulders down and back, squeezing the scapula together, stabilize your abdominals and keep your shoulders squared up.
- 30 seconds strict Russian Twist
- Pick up a moderate to heavy kettlebell in your right hand walk about 25 yards. Switch hands walk back.
- 30 seconds strict Russian Twist
- Clean a moderate kettlebell on the right side and walk 25 yards, switch and walk back
- 30 seconds strict hardstyle plank
- Pick up two moderate kettlebells of equal size and walk out and back 25 yards
Finish up with joint mobility.
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