One of the things fellow instructors ask me about A LOT is programming for small and large exercise groups. I love coming up with interesting workouts which appropriately challenge, progress, and engage students and clients. Stipulations like location, equipment which may and may not be available only seem to fuel the creative fire. Working around a theme is another really fun … [Read more...] about Code Name: Indestructible – 007, Kettlebells, Bodyweight, and Other Awesome Things…
Christmas Update!
It's almost hard to know where to begin today! All kinds of great things this past week, so let's start from the beginning. I am beyond honored to be one of the instructors for the brand new Progressive Calisthenics Certification Workshop with Al and Danny Kavadlo. The program is 3 days of intensive work on all our favorites from Paul Wade's Convict Conditioning programs. … [Read more...] about Christmas Update!
6 Ways to Stay on Track Over the Holidays (it was supposed to be 5.. OOPS!)
For many people, the holiday season can be a time of fun, excitement, parties. It can also really wreck your hard won fitness progress, weight loss, strength gains, and the healthy lifestyle changes you've been making. Here's a short list of suggestions to help stay on track during this stressed out consumption-crazy time of year. 1. Value your sanity. … [Read more...] about 6 Ways to Stay on Track Over the Holidays (it was supposed to be 5.. OOPS!)
A Challenge, A Weekend Workout, Chocolate Reviews and Other Important Stuff
Its always fun to visit other gyms, hang out etc. Inside is very nice, but of course we had to get grungy and throw tires around, push prowlers, and swing kettlebells instead. Inside we did a Primal Move warm up, played with the really great pull up bar setup (I managed to do another couple muscle ups), and then some really weird pull ups on this very bizarre and hard to hang … [Read more...] about A Challenge, A Weekend Workout, Chocolate Reviews and Other Important Stuff
The Girya Girl Kitchen – Bare Essentials
Here are the absolute basics, and linked to what I actually use with brand and size specificity etc. where appropriate. This is a fairly basic list, as I tend to cook in a style that uses few specialized gadgets. The food is "fancy" the prep tools don't have to be - they just need to be of high quality for maximum efficiency and enjoyment. Non-stick small and medium … [Read more...] about The Girya Girl Kitchen – Bare Essentials
Yes, “but you’re different” and other interesting excuses for unhealthy eating on the road…
The question of the day was "Well if you don't eat at McDonald's and you're on the road and extremely hungry, what do you do?" Usually accompanied by the phrase that I like to rail against with actions every day "Well, you know you gotta." No, I don't "gotta," there are always other ways. Raise the flag of rebellion! Decent snacking in the face of mass marketed crap food! … [Read more...] about Yes, “but you’re different” and other interesting excuses for unhealthy eating on the road…
Bruce Lee Birthday Celebration Workout
The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.” – Bruce Lee Today would have been Bruce Lee's 72nd birthday - his influence on martial arts, fitness and entertainment continue to this day without showing any signs of slowing down. Bruce Lee's approach to training is an inspiration to my own training in an odd indirect sort of way, most of which is summed up … [Read more...] about Bruce Lee Birthday Celebration Workout
A Count to 100 Kettlebell and TRX Workout
It's a Monday after a holiday weekend - a holiday notorious for various forms of overindulgence here in the USA... I didn't, but many people did. I did however get my sleep schedule all out of whack (which has the fortunate side effect of helping my writing/proofreading/editing abilities). A more unfortunately side effect is the endless stacks of books/papers/etc all over the … [Read more...] about A Count to 100 Kettlebell and TRX Workout
“Ninety percent of this game is half-mental.” - Yogi Berra Ok, so the quote is kind of funny if you sit back and do the math - however you interpret it, the argument could be made that the word "game" could easily be replaced with "life." At least that's been pretty close to my experience. Having grown up in a household with a psychologist Dad and educator Mom, I've always … [Read more...] about Are You MENTAL?
My First Time Leading a Certification Workshop – Primal Move Winter Park Florida
Its no secret that I'm nuts about Primal Move. Ever since being introduced to it in Seattle, I've enjoyed adding it to my small group's sessions, and exploring the movements at home. They've had a great effect on my own practice and have added infinite value to my CK-FMS knowledge. And while I was a little nervous to teach the first ever Primal Move Certification Workshop here … [Read more...] about My First Time Leading a Certification Workshop – Primal Move Winter Park Florida